Tuesday, May 13, 2014


… That's SLANG for "Ha HA!"
My G.I.-doctor said that if I do NOT excrete fecal matter "EVERY DAY", I am "VERY SICK" and "NEED a (DREADED) enema"!
Well, I hadn't "RECTALLY released my BOWELS" in a few ("few" = 3) days.
However, I JUST "dropped 'BOMBS' over 'Baghdad'"!
(TRANSLATION: "I POOPED A LOT into my toilet.")

Also, my DUNG were mostly SOLID.
My fecal matter were NOT like my TYPICAL liquid, diarrhea-esque poop-remnants.

DOCTORS are ENTIRELY too "full of themselves".
Just 'cuz they've got a FANCY diploma ON DISPLAY and a RESPECTED white overcoat does NOT mean they can't be COMPLETELY WRONG!


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