Sunday, March 31, 2013

I COULD have cooked it.

I JUST ate--via mouth--~ONE cup of asparagus, tilapia (That's a type/kind/breed of FISH.)and noodles.
(There were ZERO coughing, choking or frustration-"episodes".)
(PRE-accident, I like to think that I COULD'VE been 'The NEXT Iron Chef'.)

Sunday, March 24, 2013


... (That's Spanish for 'I comprehend.')

I JUST told my nurse:
"I am grateful for my Bioengineering-background, because THAT allows me to understand ALL that you and my trainer say."

(Not to brag, but I earned my Bachelor's Degree in Bioengineering from/at the ESTEEMED Ivy League school of

University of Pennsylvania.)

(...Also, while in high school, I WAS a member of the Spanish Honor Society.)

(... DRAT! That DID seem a bit condescending/"stilted". That was NOT my intention!)
(... Since I have a "Traumatic Brain-Injury", I just always feel as though I HAVE TO PROVE/SHOW to people that--MENTALLY--I'm--MOSTLY--"there". My injuries are mostly PHYSICAL.)

Thursday, March 21, 2013

GREAT "next step"!

... (I mean the subject in a FIGURATIVE, METAPHORICAL sense.)

So, in my Physical Therapy session just now, I "started STRONG" by doing THREE U-turns (I've never done that many!) during my first "walk"--with my walker--across my WIDE family-room.
Then, I did two more ONE-WAY "walks" across the room.
Finally, my Physical Therapist got my "gait-belt" and strapped it across my waist. So, I "walked" ONE-WAY--with my Physical Therapist JUST holding the end of my "gait-belt"--across the WIDE room.

I maintained:

--GOOD posture
--GREAT foot/leg-control
--IMPROVED endurance

throughout my "session".

I am applying what I've been learning/doing in my workouts to my "walking" in Physical Therapy.

YAY for my brain-"messages"!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

"START strong, and FINISH strong."

During my "Physical Therapy"-session this morning, my FIRST TWO WALKS across my WIDE "family room"--PLUS two U-turns--went VERY WELL!

(--GREAT balance
--GREAT stature
--GREAT control on the turns)

But THEN, my RIGHT hand became VERY SWEATY.
Ergo, I was losing my grip on my walker-handle. ( : ( )

So, after FOUR sub-par "walks", I realized that I MUST DRY my sweaty hands.

After I dried off, I CONCLUDED with two more STELLAR "walks" just across the room--sans U-turns.

My leg-training in my workouts is WORKING.

Monday, March 18, 2013


... I had a (See subject.)
Here's why:

(NOT chronological)
-- I WALKED VERY WELL during my--DAILY--morning-walk (alongside my walker) from being in my bed to sitting in my motorized wheelchair to brush my teeth. (SMOOTH; COMPLETELY PAINLESS; NO FOOT-DRAGGING)
-- My EXCEPTIONAL walking was FURTHER evident during my workout. I was strapped into a harness and WALKED--ALONE--on a treadmill for ~12 minutes on "Difficulty Level" 2. (I grabbed into a handrail on either side of me for balance/support.)
-- I also did VERY WELL with my LEFT leg-raises during my workout. I followed that with some leg/groin-stretching.
-- I ATE--by feeding myself--"about a cup"(--my Speech Therapist) of manually cut up ham slices and mixed vegetables (cauliflower, carrots, and broccoli).
-- I beat my Speech Therapist in Scrabble--WHILE focusing my attention on feeding myself. (That "ain't no THANG". I win A LOT. YAY for my STILL HIGH INTELLIGENCE!)

"It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings!"
(I DON'T "hang out" with many obese women who can ALSO "carry a tune".)

Sunday, March 17, 2013

... MUCH-debated solution:

... By abiding by the mathematical "Order of Operations" ("Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally"--"Parentheses Exponents Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction"), y'all will find the answer to be

1 .

Class dismissed.

"Limits--like fears--are often just an illusion."

... --"His Airness" (Michael Jordan)

... THAT'S been my "motto"/"DRIVING-FORCE"/"motivational factor" throughout my rehabilitation-process.

Now, I'm a mathematically-minded man ("Alliteration aside."--'Dodgeball'). So, I just found it RATHER AMUSING that I JUST used TWO MATHEMATICAL terms--"LIMITS" and "FACTOR"--PURELY coincidentally! (That's just how I "express myself"/talk.) 

... These MOTIVATIONAL words are becoming more and more evident during my workouts. My trainers will tell me their RECOMMENDED/PREDICTED amounts/totals for me, so I try to SURPASS that number/"GUESS".


"Limit": x > 0

What is the value of

(8/7x)[(4x/5)(1.25) + ((64 - x)/8)) - (56/7)]

(Let me know when ANY of y'all get an answer.)

P.S. I JUST devised that math problem ... IN MY "TRAUMATICALLY INJURED BRAIN".
Figure THAT out, "doctors"!


Thursday, March 14, 2013

Pardon my timing-truancy. But, at (March 14)

... ~3:48 this morning, "Pi Day" OFFICIALLY began.(Pi = ~3.1415926534987 ...) 
So, begin the "SHENANIGANS"(--'Super Troopers')!
(I APOLOGIZE that this blog-post does NOT have MUCH to do with my rehabilitation/recovery.  This "holiday" just means a lot to me--a
(... It KINDA has to do with my "Traumatic Brain-Injury" in that I calculated the approximate time MENTALLY.)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


... So, i've been doing VERY WELL in my (three per week) workouts!
THAT physical fitness was EVIDENT today.

1) My Physical Therapist was VERY PLEASED, after he watched my
(EVERY MORNING-)"WALK" from my bed to my bathroom-sink.

2) During my "Physical Therapy"-session, I "WALKED"--with my walker--SPLENDIDLY! I even made THREE SEPARATE U-TURNS during my session. So, I "WALKED" the length of my family room (~40 feet = ~480 inches) EIGHT times. ALL THE WHILE, I maintained GOOD neck-positioning and GREAT foot-raising!

... THESE were VERY ENCOURAGING indicators that the "messages" are FINALLY getting from my brain to my LEFT leg.

(My trainer and I have this ongoing joke about "muscle-memory".
That was just QUITE EVIDENT!)

((... "BANGARANG, (A.J.)!"(--'Hook'))

Monday, March 11, 2013

Workout #3 = VERY GOOD

... AGAIN! I worked out LONGER than my allotted one hour, but "GOOD work takes TIME." (I was here for ~93 minutes = an hour and 33 minutes = 1.55 hours.)

-- I STOOD and WALKED in the MODIFIED "elliptical" for 15 minutes on Resistance-level 2.

-- I sat--COMPLETELY ALONE and UNASSISTED--on a raised, cushioned "table".

-- I practiced my STANDING-posture by spreading my feet out a little farther than the width of my shoulders, LEANING FORWARD, using BOTH hands to push off the "table", then STANDING. (I made sure to monitor my neck-position, because--as a result of my accident--I tend to tilt my head to MY RIGHT. (It's just MORE COMFORTABLE than keeping it STRAIGHT UP-N'-DOWN.)

-- I strapped into the hanging body-brace and WALKED--ALONE, but supported by the ceiling--across the room (~25 feet = ~300 inches = ~8 1/3 yards = ~8.33 yards).

-- Finally, I sat in my wheelchair in front of a ONE ARM AT-A-TIME "push/pull-machine. I stretched my arms/SHOULDERS for ~22 minutes.

"That's "job WELL-DONE"!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

NEW workout-location, Part ii

Well, I was VERY BUSY during this workout!  (... It's not like I'm not ALWAYS "giving my ALL"!)
So, here are JUST SOME of the MANY exercises/activities I did during my workout:

-- I pushed myself up (UNASSISTED) from sitting on a cushioned seating-table to STANDING--with MINIMAL assistance (My trainer ONLY held my right, better, stronger, UNINJURED shoulder.).  Then, my other trainer gently/slowly rolled a soccer ball toward my LEFT, INJURED foot.  I, then, LIFTED my INJURED LEFT leg to kick the "soccer ball" (It's 'futbol top' in Turkish.) (PHONETICALLY, it's 'FOOOT-bohl tohp'.).
I repeated the ball-kicking procedure two MORE times.

-- My trainers lifted me onto a RAISED "walking-helper"-machine.  I sat in the machine's chair and waited, while my new-ER trainer calibrated the desired machine-settings.
THEN, I got my feet strapped in, leaned forward, grabbed the "handlebars"--with MINIMAL assistance--and PULLED MYSELF UP to a STANDING-POSITION.
THEN, I practiced "walking" on the 2nd level (out of 10) for the next PAINLESS/PAIN-FREE minutes (YAY!).

-- My aide stabilized me as I "WALKED" back to sit down on the "cushioned seating-table".

-- FIRST, I TRIED TO kneel on the cushions, while I partially leaned my arms on a small table. (HOWEVER, even THAT hurt my LEFT, INJURED knee. SHUCKS!)

-- ... In lieu of my knee-pain, I switched into a sitting-position and worked my arm-flexibility with a stretching-machine. I REALLY tried to "push" my LEFT arm forward, because I could REALLY feel the stretch ... in a GOOD, HEALTHY way!

-- (Etc. Etc.)

Although my training-sessions are SUPPOSED TO only last one hour, I was there for ~an hour and a half (Okay, FINE! I was there for 98 minutes.)

... "GOOD work takes TIME."

Thursday, March 7, 2013

"MIND over matter"

During my workout with my new CO-trainer, I noticed that I was "WALKING"--with the help of a walker, on which to LEAN, and my trainer next to me to "spot" me--that I had begun--AGAIN--to "WALK"/step pigeon-toed with my LEFT foot ONLY. 
Now, I had noticed this tendency/"problem" in my Physical Therapy previously.  After concluding that I turned my foot, because it helped INCREASE my CONFIDENCE in my STABILITY.  (My trainer concurred.)
I THOUGHT that I had previously CORRECTED this "problem", because I've noticed this "problem"before. But, "lo and behold", this foot-FIASCO ("Alliteration aside."--'Dodgeball') resurfaced!
So, I realized that I ACTUALLY have to REALLY THINK ABOUT proper walking-FORM!

MORAL: DON'T take WALKING for granted!
(Some people--like ME--aren't lucky enough to have that "LUXURY"!)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

... "HEY! My body has a mind of its own! IT DOESN'T LISTEN TO ME!"

... (--'The Bone Collector')

... I ESPECIALLY noticed these words when I recently "ventured" into a new workout facility, with a new trainer.
While there, I was using this DIFFERENT type/style of walker.  It was certainly NOT what I'm used to using.  But, I'm CERTAINLY no stranger to acclimating/adjusting!

So, as I was "WALKING", my LEFT, INJURED leg KEPT stiffening up and NOT stepping.  It was NOT that it was HURTING.  My LEFT leg just was NOT "computing" the "message" from my brain to STEP.

ALAS! It was still a GOOD trip.
... For example: While I sat on a cushioned "bench" there, I grabbed onto these two metal rods--one on each of my sides (at about eye-level, when seated)--and PULLED MYSELF UP to a STANDING-POSITION. (My NEW trainer pushed a LARGE mirror in front of me, so I could monitor my posture and adjust. WELL-PLAYED.)

So, I'll see this NEW trainer TWICE a week and JUST my usual trainer ONCE a week for workouts.

"A" for effort

Monday, March 4, 2013

... "Oh, I'm sorry. Are you one of those people to whom his or her WEIGHT somehow dictates his or her SELF-WORTH?"

... --Sheldon Cooper, 'The Big Bang Theory'

About two weeks ago, my trainer set up a scale for me to STAND on--WITH MINIMAL assistance. 
The scale displayed my weight as

153.8 pounds.

I converted that number to kilograms by dividing THAT # BY 2.2. 
(tHERE ARE ~2.2 pounds in EACH kilogram.)

Ergo, I (MENTALLY) calculated that I weigh

~65.36(repeating) kg

Ten years ago, in high school, I wrestled--for my school==at

135 pounds.

Using the same formula/LOGIC, I calculate THAT weight, in kilograms, to be

~61.36 (repeating) kg

Now, that I'm ALMOST 28 years old, I've gained
18.8 pounds
= 8.55 kg
in ~10 years.

Thus, I've gained an average of 1.88 pounds per year.
Thus, I may interpret this info in TWO ways:
1) My meds are working!  In that I'm STILL circumstantially "HEALTHY".
2) Muscle weighs 2.2 times MORE than fat.  (Was my "MUSCLE" converted into "FAT"?)

CONCLUSION: I'd say that it's a combination of BOTH theories. 

"There's a METHOD to (MY) MADNESS."


So, I have developed some SIGNIFICANT strength and endurance in my legs.  This RENEWED power aids me in my "foot-pedal-put-UP" procedure on my wheelchair. 

-- lean back in my chair (as a counter-weight) (It's PHYSICS.)
-- RIGHT heel-kick my RIGHT foot-pedal, so it falls into "resting-place"
-- sneak the top edge of my RIGHT foot in behind mt "UP" LEFT foot-pedal to push it down--with my RIGHT foot
-- lift my RIGHT foot ~eight inches off the ground to set it on my RIGHT foot-pedal
-- lift up and set down my LEFT foot onto my LEFT foot-pedal.

"Bob's your uncle!"

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