Tuesday, March 12, 2013


... So, i've been doing VERY WELL in my (three per week) workouts!
THAT physical fitness was EVIDENT today.

1) My Physical Therapist was VERY PLEASED, after he watched my
(EVERY MORNING-)"WALK" from my bed to my bathroom-sink.

2) During my "Physical Therapy"-session, I "WALKED"--with my walker--SPLENDIDLY! I even made THREE SEPARATE U-TURNS during my session. So, I "WALKED" the length of my family room (~40 feet = ~480 inches) EIGHT times. ALL THE WHILE, I maintained GOOD neck-positioning and GREAT foot-raising!

... THESE were VERY ENCOURAGING indicators that the "messages" are FINALLY getting from my brain to my LEFT leg.

(My trainer and I have this ongoing joke about "muscle-memory".
That was just QUITE EVIDENT!)

((... "BANGARANG, (A.J.)!"(--'Hook'))

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