Monday, March 18, 2013


... I had a (See subject.)
Here's why:

(NOT chronological)
-- I WALKED VERY WELL during my--DAILY--morning-walk (alongside my walker) from being in my bed to sitting in my motorized wheelchair to brush my teeth. (SMOOTH; COMPLETELY PAINLESS; NO FOOT-DRAGGING)
-- My EXCEPTIONAL walking was FURTHER evident during my workout. I was strapped into a harness and WALKED--ALONE--on a treadmill for ~12 minutes on "Difficulty Level" 2. (I grabbed into a handrail on either side of me for balance/support.)
-- I also did VERY WELL with my LEFT leg-raises during my workout. I followed that with some leg/groin-stretching.
-- I ATE--by feeding myself--"about a cup"(--my Speech Therapist) of manually cut up ham slices and mixed vegetables (cauliflower, carrots, and broccoli).
-- I beat my Speech Therapist in Scrabble--WHILE focusing my attention on feeding myself. (That "ain't no THANG". I win A LOT. YAY for my STILL HIGH INTELLIGENCE!)

"It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings!"
(I DON'T "hang out" with many obese women who can ALSO "carry a tune".)

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