Monday, March 11, 2013

Workout #3 = VERY GOOD

... AGAIN! I worked out LONGER than my allotted one hour, but "GOOD work takes TIME." (I was here for ~93 minutes = an hour and 33 minutes = 1.55 hours.)

-- I STOOD and WALKED in the MODIFIED "elliptical" for 15 minutes on Resistance-level 2.

-- I sat--COMPLETELY ALONE and UNASSISTED--on a raised, cushioned "table".

-- I practiced my STANDING-posture by spreading my feet out a little farther than the width of my shoulders, LEANING FORWARD, using BOTH hands to push off the "table", then STANDING. (I made sure to monitor my neck-position, because--as a result of my accident--I tend to tilt my head to MY RIGHT. (It's just MORE COMFORTABLE than keeping it STRAIGHT UP-N'-DOWN.)

-- I strapped into the hanging body-brace and WALKED--ALONE, but supported by the ceiling--across the room (~25 feet = ~300 inches = ~8 1/3 yards = ~8.33 yards).

-- Finally, I sat in my wheelchair in front of a ONE ARM AT-A-TIME "push/pull-machine. I stretched my arms/SHOULDERS for ~22 minutes.

"That's "job WELL-DONE"!

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