Sunday, March 17, 2013

"Limits--like fears--are often just an illusion."

... --"His Airness" (Michael Jordan)

... THAT'S been my "motto"/"DRIVING-FORCE"/"motivational factor" throughout my rehabilitation-process.

Now, I'm a mathematically-minded man ("Alliteration aside."--'Dodgeball'). So, I just found it RATHER AMUSING that I JUST used TWO MATHEMATICAL terms--"LIMITS" and "FACTOR"--PURELY coincidentally! (That's just how I "express myself"/talk.) 

... These MOTIVATIONAL words are becoming more and more evident during my workouts. My trainers will tell me their RECOMMENDED/PREDICTED amounts/totals for me, so I try to SURPASS that number/"GUESS".


"Limit": x > 0

What is the value of

(8/7x)[(4x/5)(1.25) + ((64 - x)/8)) - (56/7)]

(Let me know when ANY of y'all get an answer.)

P.S. I JUST devised that math problem ... IN MY "TRAUMATICALLY INJURED BRAIN".
Figure THAT out, "doctors"!


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