Thursday, March 21, 2013

GREAT "next step"!

... (I mean the subject in a FIGURATIVE, METAPHORICAL sense.)

So, in my Physical Therapy session just now, I "started STRONG" by doing THREE U-turns (I've never done that many!) during my first "walk"--with my walker--across my WIDE family-room.
Then, I did two more ONE-WAY "walks" across the room.
Finally, my Physical Therapist got my "gait-belt" and strapped it across my waist. So, I "walked" ONE-WAY--with my Physical Therapist JUST holding the end of my "gait-belt"--across the WIDE room.

I maintained:

--GOOD posture
--GREAT foot/leg-control
--IMPROVED endurance

throughout my "session".

I am applying what I've been learning/doing in my workouts to my "walking" in Physical Therapy.

YAY for my brain-"messages"!

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