Saturday, March 9, 2013

NEW workout-location, Part ii

Well, I was VERY BUSY during this workout!  (... It's not like I'm not ALWAYS "giving my ALL"!)
So, here are JUST SOME of the MANY exercises/activities I did during my workout:

-- I pushed myself up (UNASSISTED) from sitting on a cushioned seating-table to STANDING--with MINIMAL assistance (My trainer ONLY held my right, better, stronger, UNINJURED shoulder.).  Then, my other trainer gently/slowly rolled a soccer ball toward my LEFT, INJURED foot.  I, then, LIFTED my INJURED LEFT leg to kick the "soccer ball" (It's 'futbol top' in Turkish.) (PHONETICALLY, it's 'FOOOT-bohl tohp'.).
I repeated the ball-kicking procedure two MORE times.

-- My trainers lifted me onto a RAISED "walking-helper"-machine.  I sat in the machine's chair and waited, while my new-ER trainer calibrated the desired machine-settings.
THEN, I got my feet strapped in, leaned forward, grabbed the "handlebars"--with MINIMAL assistance--and PULLED MYSELF UP to a STANDING-POSITION.
THEN, I practiced "walking" on the 2nd level (out of 10) for the next PAINLESS/PAIN-FREE minutes (YAY!).

-- My aide stabilized me as I "WALKED" back to sit down on the "cushioned seating-table".

-- FIRST, I TRIED TO kneel on the cushions, while I partially leaned my arms on a small table. (HOWEVER, even THAT hurt my LEFT, INJURED knee. SHUCKS!)

-- ... In lieu of my knee-pain, I switched into a sitting-position and worked my arm-flexibility with a stretching-machine. I REALLY tried to "push" my LEFT arm forward, because I could REALLY feel the stretch ... in a GOOD, HEALTHY way!

-- (Etc. Etc.)

Although my training-sessions are SUPPOSED TO only last one hour, I was there for ~an hour and a half (Okay, FINE! I was there for 98 minutes.)

... "GOOD work takes TIME."

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