Sunday, March 24, 2013


... (That's Spanish for 'I comprehend.')

I JUST told my nurse:
"I am grateful for my Bioengineering-background, because THAT allows me to understand ALL that you and my trainer say."

(Not to brag, but I earned my Bachelor's Degree in Bioengineering from/at the ESTEEMED Ivy League school of

University of Pennsylvania.)

(...Also, while in high school, I WAS a member of the Spanish Honor Society.)

(... DRAT! That DID seem a bit condescending/"stilted". That was NOT my intention!)
(... Since I have a "Traumatic Brain-Injury", I just always feel as though I HAVE TO PROVE/SHOW to people that--MENTALLY--I'm--MOSTLY--"there". My injuries are mostly PHYSICAL.)

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