Tuesday, June 17, 2014

"CHEESE n' RICE!" Does that dog EVER SHUT UP?!

ALL NIGHT last night and ALL this morning and NOW that mangy mutt continues to BARK LOUDLY!  It's as if someone took his/her bone, someone's tearing down his/her doghouse AND it (the DAMN dog) has a DEEP splinter.
HOW MANY TIMES must I "BITCH n' MOAN" to BOTH the house-residents (my NEIGHBORS) AND the "community-police", before someone actually does something/ANYTHING about my FOUR complaints?!

My RECOMMENDED course-of-action for said "community-cops":

1) Do your JOB!
(… I'm gonna WET MY PANTS from--MOCKINGLY--laughing at y'all so HARD!)
2) Have A LITTLE consideration for the OTHER/NEARBY community-members.  Tell these particular residents:
"Be kind-ER to your dog AND nearby residents.  Either MUZZLE the canine, or keep it INDOORS!  Your neighbor (ME) is getting VERY PERTURBED by the CONSTANT barking.  Now, I don't know FOR SURE, but I've heard HORROR-stories!  Some say he's … CRAZY!  … 
Long story short: Just be QUIET, 'cuz you're NOT!

(… STILL barking)


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