Friday, June 20, 2014

"Give credit where credit is (PROPERLY/ACCURATELY/DESERVEDLY) due."

Now, I have the UTMOST RESPECT/APPRECIATION for the NURSING-profession.
(… SOMETIMES they have MUCH BETTER communication/"people-skills than the FAR TOO revered "FOLKS in the WHITE COATS"--"doctors"!)


My EVENING/WEEKEND-nurse REGULARLY (AT LEAST four of her 11 WEEKLY "meals" she "feeds"me) (4/11 = ~36.36%) either SPILLS my liquid-"food" on ME and my BED AND/OR asks ME--the "TRAUMATICALLY Brain-Injured" PATIENT--HOW to do HER JOB!

(… Granted, I KNOW the CORRECT answers, because I have a--COMPLETELY UN-respected/UNDER-apprreciated--"Biomedical Engineering" degree from an ESTEEMED "Ivy League'" institution.)

(… Also, I'm an ANOMALY.
But, that's BESIDE the point.)

(… By NO MEANS am I admitting my DIS-like for this employEE, I am merely stating that this is YET ANOTHER "irritation" with which I MUST deal.
A decent nurse is SURPRISINGLY difficult to FIND and EMPLOY.)


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