Saturday, June 7, 2014

… Combining martial arts with the BEST sport (wrestling):

(Granted, my EIGHT YEARS of COMPETITIVE "folkstyle" wrestling in high school and college make me "a tad"/REALLY biased.)

Today I made some INSIGHTFUL observations about how WRESTLING and KARATE/'JIUJITSU' go "and-in-hand".

-- Some/MOST setups/"'loosening up'-strikes" of BOTH Karate AND 'Jiujitsu' "open up" GREAT wrestling-takedowns/"attacks".


-- ESSENTIALLY, "wrestling" IS (a FORM/TYPE/STYLE of 'Jiujitsu', 'cuz it's GROUND-fighting/"joint-manipulation … from the GROUND".

P.S. It REALLY helps that my two 'Sempais' ('Assistant martial arts instructors') are BOTH FANTASTIC martial artists AND AWARD-WINNING wrestlers!


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