Saturday, December 14, 2013

… "AAAHHH, the timing!" Part II

My FAITH/BELIEF/RESPECT for "ye WHITE-COATED medical-'professionals'" is SLOWLY being RE-stored.

Yesterday I saw my "primary-care physician" for a "checkup".
He noted … to me:
"WOW!  What a GREAT improvement you've made in six months!"

(Not to BRAG, but I

-- lifted up AND took down the footrests on my wheelchair, using ONLY the "CALCULATED maneuverability" of my FEET.  (I WANTED TO yell:
"Look, Ma.  NO HANDS!"
(--Sir Elton John)

-- CONSTANTLY adjusted my head-/neck-placement to NOT lean/tilt to my right.
(… I've become SLIGHTLY more SELF-aware.  Although I still can NOT feel it, I just KNOW when I'm NOT straight.)
(… "No homo.")

-- leaned forward and down--in my wheelchair--to demonstrate my "trunk-control".

MY Conclusion

… AGAIN, "It's ALL angles."


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