Monday, December 16, 2013

Mt "Traumatic Brain-Injury" has SIGNIFICANTLY decreased/DIMINISHED my PATIENCE.

(  : (  )

You would THINK that I'd get VERY FRUSTRATED … with MYSELF, 'cuz I have 0 out of 2 "GOOD" legs and ~1.6 "GOOD" hands.
(My RIGHT pinkie and ring finger are VIRTUALLY useless thanks to a PRE-accident "BOTCHED" surgery.)

But, I've come to tolerate, understand and ACCEPT my SLOWED timing.
I EVEN "factor in" (I've GOTTA have some mathematical "JARGON" in MY post!) EXTRA time, when I'm PLANNING my DAILY schedule of ACTIVITIES.
(I add 10 to 15 minutes to EVERYTHING.)
(… That'd be
600 to 900 seconds OR
1/6 to 1/4 of an hour OR
~0.1667 to 0.25 of an hour.)

… My LACK OF patience applies more with--UNFORTUNATELY--my peers.
I've learned to "HARNESS/LIMIT my FRUSTRATION" with "new"/UN-knowing people.  (YAY!) But, when it comes to FAMILIAR people--who SHOULD KNOW of "my SITUATION"/DISABILITIES, then I get REALLY UPSET/ANGRY.
"Uuummm, did you FORGET that I'm in a wheelchair AND struggle to speak COGENTLY, Captain OBVIOUS?!"


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