Sunday, December 1, 2013

LOGIC 'nerede'?!

… (THAT was a HALF-English, HALF-Turkish question.)
(… The Turkish word--pronounced 'NEHR-deh'--means 'WHERE'.)
(… Ergo, the topic translates to 'Where's logic?')

… My EVENING-nurse (I employ TWO nurses.), exclaims EVERY DAY that I "MUST BE getting' sick",  JUST because I TEND TO cough, when she begins to feed me my "food" and meds.
Yet, SHE coughs MORE than I DO.
By HER (LACK OF) reasoning, SHE's VERY ILL!
She DOESN'T EVEN cover her mouth, when she has these "episodes".
Thus, SHE's turning MY bedroom into a "germ-CESSPOOL", TEEMING with health-deteriorating bacteria"!

… Oh!  THERE'S the "LOGIC.
When she OPENS my G-tube, PHYSICS (and COMMON SENSE) indicates that AIR now has an open tunnel through which to travel (ENTER/EXIT my body).
(… COUGHING is ONE form of this "air-travel".
Another "form" is GAS.  But, I'll spare y'all the tales of my NOXIOUS fumes.)

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