Friday, December 27, 2013


Is it BETTER to be more


or more



BOTH descriptive-adjectives require MULTIPLE trials.
"ACCURACY" indicates that attempts are close to the DESIRED/"CORRECT" result.
"PRECISION" indicates that attempts are close to EACH OTHER.
(Sooo, if my trials are "PRECISE", then they're "CONSISTENT".)

Well, this 'pregunta' (Spanish for 'question') is VERY CIRCUMSTANTIAL.
(… OF COURSE, I ask a MATH-related question.)
(… That's just HOW MY MIND "operates".)

In my CURRENT state, I'd RATHER be more "PRECISE".
Since I always use LOGIC, then I feel that I'm PREDOMINANTLY (WITHOUT seeming ARROGANT) QUITE EFFICIENT in terms of conserving my ENERGY.

(… PART of my thinking/REASONING is that by thinking my "problems" through and ANALYZING the BEST procedure, I can LIMIT my number of "DO-OVERS".)

(… HOWEVER, my way of energy-conserving, LOGICAL thinking MAY have PARTIALLY contributed to my LACK OF endurance.)


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