Wednesday, December 4, 2013

"You know what hurts the MOST?!"

… "The lack of RESPECT.
Well, that hurts 'the most'.  But, you know what hurts the SECOND-most?
It's the lack of respect."
(--'Dirty Work')

… At my workout--at my FANTASTIC gym, "NeuroFit"--on Monday, my trainer put ALOTTA duct-tape on my lower left thigh to (SOMEHOW) test my stride/nerve-connection.
Unbeknownst to him, he FORGOT to REMOVE the duct-tape from my (HAIRY) leg.
So, I had to "SACK IT UP"(--sang for MALES), "grind my teeth" and RIP OFF said tape that evening in the shower.

But, the actual workout was GREAT--as usual!


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