Friday, December 20, 2013

"Do NOT judge, lest YE be judged."

… Now, I am NOT a theologic man,
DESPITE my graduating 'summa cum laude' ('with HIGHEST honor'--for those who do NOT  understand Latin) (… SSSHHH!  I took FOUR YEARS of Spanish.  I just know A LOT … of RANDOM "CRAP"!) from a PRESTIGIOUS Catholic high school.

… So, that whole Latin "TANGENT" (I HAD TO sneak in a MATHEMATICAL term!) was just a way to STALL, while I researched that quote.

AH, yes.  HERE it is!

It's in Matthew 7:1 of the Holy Bible.
(… "'HOLEY Bartender', I get it.  That's GENIUS!"--Jay, 'Dogma')

… So, I ABHOR when people

-- see my wheelchair
-- see my NOT speaking and INSTEAD pointing to letters on my "letter-board"
-- hear "T.B.I." (Traumatic Brain-Injury") and shutter/CRINGE

and just "ASS-ume" that I'm "RETARDED"!
(I APOLOGIZE for the "politically IN-correct" term, but I'm JUST QUOTING some of the IGNORANCE I've actually HEARD … about ME!)

… I have some "CHOICE-WORDS" for/about you DOLTS, but I'm gonna "hold my tongue".

I KNOW I'm SMARTER than MOST people.
"I just 'SEE IT'."
(--'Good Will Hunting')

(… That MAY SEEM condescending!  But, I'm just "VENTING".)


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