Monday, March 31, 2014


… --'Anchorman'

"So, we have a UNIVERSE that's CONSTANTLY jerkin' itself off."
(--'Family Guy' creator, Seth MacFarlane)



"ACTIONS 'speak LOUDER' than WORDS."

"The difference between WHO YOU ARE and WHO YOU WANT TO BE is

(--Charlie Murphy)

"It is NOT who I am 'UNDERNEATH', but WHAT I DO that DEFINES me."
(--'The Dark Knight Rises')


When in doubt, use HUMOR.

"You shouldn't take LIFE too SERIOUSLY.
You'll never get out ALIVE."
(--'Van Wilder')

I "operate" EASIER/BETTER, when I'm in a COMEDIC atmosphere.

Thus, I VERY MUCH like to "crack jokes" while working out at my gym.


Sunday, March 30, 2014


"'Tis not a BAD thing to realize you don't have all the answers.
… Perhaps you were just not asking the right questions."


I'm so thankful I'm alive."

… "I'm in a 'world of SHIT'.  But, I'm ALIVE."
(--'Full Metal Jacket')

(… I JUST FINISHED watching that GREAT film!)

(… HHHMMM, I'm debating which character-PERSONALITY mine would BETTER match--that of "Joker" or "Animal-Mother".)

(… After much deliberation, I've concluded that my COMEDIC side is FAR MORE evident than my PHYSICALLY-AGGRESSINE/ DOMINANT side.
Ergo, "JOKER" it is.)


GOTTA "prep"!

Right after my "breakfast" yesterday, I went through MY "PRE-workout routine" before my 'jiujitsu'-TEACHING prep:

-- Review my techniques.
-- Stretch my ARMS, LEGS and BACK.
-- Watch the (FABULOUS) film, 'Van Wilder'.

In said film, Van gets some VALUABLE advice from a basketball-buddy--to which I was referring.

"Remember … BEFORE your test, take a PRE-game DUMP."

Well, I did.

Hence, my techniques were GREAT … and WELL-RECEIVED by my Karate-Professor and TWO 'sempai' (pronounced 'sehm-PIY') (Japanese for 'assistant teachers').


When my CATASTROPHIC, TRAUMATIC, very UNFORTUNATE car-accident, I was on my way home from my …

"martal arts"-LEARNING (I also TEACH.) class.

I WAS training to be a Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fighter.

Ergo, UNFORTUNATELY, I'd say I was "cut down in my PRIME".


Saturday, March 29, 2014

"NeuroFit 360" gets the ASSIST!

So, I was workin' out at my FANTASTIC (MOSTLY LOWER-body) gym.
I was doing leg-lunges/squats, and--APPARENTLY--I was not lowering myself enough.
So, the staffmember told me,


IMMEDIATELY, I--UN-cogently but EXCITEDLY--mumble:

"THAT's what SHE said!"

Unable to understand me without my "communication-board", the staff-guy chuckled and said,

"THAT's what SHE said!"

NICE!  "GREAT minds think alike."


(A picture of a "LIGHT BULB"--on my "communication-board"--indicates)

(… "Please turn on/off the light.")
(SIGH) However, the symbol has been MIS-interpreted to indicate
"I have an IDEA!"

The INVENTOR of said "symbol" (the "light bulb") said:

"I haven't 'FAILED'.
I've just found 10,000 ways that WON'T work."
(--Thomas Edison)

(… How 'bout THAT for "piecing it ALL together"?!)

(… MUCH to my--MATHEMATICAL--chagrin, there was NO "tangent", 'cuz I "connected" the two POINTS/TOPICS.)

(… Also, how 'bout THAT for maintaining a POSITIVE outlook regarding my attempts at WALKING?!)


Ha ha HA!

"ALWAYS find a reason to LAUGH.
It may not add YEATS to your LIFE.

But, it will SURELY add LIFE to your YEARS."

(--Charlie Murphy)

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


-- "I'm BRAVE!"
-- "I do NOT shy away from a CHALLENGE!"

MY motto:
("You Only Live Once!")


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

I "have been WEIGHED. (I) have been MEASURED. (I)) have been found WANTING."

… (CAPABLE legs(
(--'A Knight's Tale')

RECENTLY, my UPPER body trainer helped me measure BOTH my HEIGHT and WEIGHT.

(… EXACT numerical-analysis will SOON follow.)


"The THIRD time's the CHARM!"

So, I just beat EXPERT-level "Minesweeper" in 444 seconds.
Then, I was VICTORIOUS in 484 seconds.

(… Is my MENTAL-reasoning getting WORSE?!)

FINALLY, I got "the W" in 374 seconds.

Consequently, this "Trial & Error"-process took SLIGHTLY MORE than

+ 484
 1302 seconds = 21 minutes and 42 seconds

These "happenings" occurred WHILE I "ate" my dinner.


Monday, March 24, 2014

HHHMMM, that's a VERY VALID point.

… Regarding the debate of


'Family Guy' creator Seth MacFarlane noted:

"The thing about SCIENCE is that it's true, whether you believe in it or NOT."


… "NOW, I'm thinking about the ORIGIN of the phrase, 'train of thought'."

… "Now, I'm thinking about 'TRAINS'."
(--Sheldon, 'The Big Bang Theory')

(… I--TOO--have a "WANDERING mind".)

"I'm NOT 'crazy'!
My mother had me TESTED."



I am NOT vain, in which I have to CONSTANTLY "OGLE" over my growing, toned muscles.
But, it's VERY ENCOURAGING to WITNESS the aftereffects of my REPETITIVE EXERCISE(S)!

Also, I LOVE the fact that I have NOT used my "letter-board" during my SPEECH-Therapy in


I speak more--utilizing some of the MANY "cogentry-techniques" recommended by my Speech-Therapist--and INCREASE my endurance.


… ALAS, (SHRUG) they were "so CLOSE … yet so FAR"!

My FAVORITE WRESTLING-college (the University of Minnesota) (… I attended the "J. Robinson Intensive Camp" on campus for a week one summer in high school.) finished a VERY CLOSE SECOND PLACE at the NCAA Wrestling (Division I) National Championships this past weekend.


However, on a BETTER note, the nation of 'TURKIYE' (That's the TURKISH spelling.  It's pronounced 'TOOR-kee-YEH'.)  (I'm HALF-Turkish.) "ran a complete SWEEP" of EACH/EVERY weight-class in the "FILA World Rankings for Men's Freestyle" in March 2014.
(Turkish wrestlers did NOT "stand ATOP" every weight-division.  But, at least they're RANKED in the TOP 20 … WORLDWIDE!

57 kilograms (= ~125 pounds):

61 kg (= ~134 lb):

65 kg (= ~143 lb):

70 kg (= ~154 lb):

74 kg (= ~163 lb):

86 kg (= ~189 lb):

97 kg (= ~213 lb):

125 kg (= ~275 kg:)

(… REP-ree-ZENT!)


Sunday, March 23, 2014

GOOD things don't come EASY.

That saying can/should be applicable to my RECOVERY.

(EVERYTHING takes me A TAD LONGER to complete than they do for "NORMS".)

… "If it were EASY, then EVERYONE would do it."

(… I realize that--UNFORTUNATELY--I've "crossed A FEW PEOPLE the WRONG way".  But, I would NOT wish my VERY UNFORTUNATE condition upon my WORST ENEMY!)


Friday, March 21, 2014

"March Mat-Mayhem"

Yesterday the REAL sports-HOOPLA/EXCITEMENT began!
Nothing AGAINST NCAA basketball. but--let's be HONEST--it is NOT the COMPETITIVE, 'mono-y-mono' physical "TEST" that is…


((I WILL BE "GLUED to my TV-screen" until "the 'ship" CONCLUDES
'yarin'.  (pronounced 'YAH-rihn') (TURKISH for 'tomorrow'))


Wednesday, March 19, 2014

So, I've got THAT goin' for me--which is nice.

According to "a recent study" revealed on ''Conan O'Brien'',
"If you were ATTRACTIVE in high school"
(I like to THINK I was.) "then you'll be SUCCESSFUL in life."

(… I've had a DIFFERENT "degree"/perspective of "SUCCESS".)
(… It's purely ECONOMIC and ACADEMIC.)
(  : (  )

((SHRUG) 'Se la vi.'))


(GASP!) Am I getting WORSE?!

My "Minesweeper" VICTORY-times for this morning were

469 seconds
484 seconds
THEN 504 seconds

So, I tok several DEEP breaths, looked up some SPORTS-stats and tried TWO MORE times on EXPERT-"Minesweeper:.

My NEWEST times were

417 seconds
AND 392 seconds



Tuesday, March 18, 2014

I've GOTTA KEEP "pluggin'"!

I think:

"When you feel like QUITTING,
think about WHY you STARTED."
(--Charlie Murphy)


I NEED comedy!


HOW could I POSSIBLY have a "SHIT-eating grin", if I do NOT--really--"EAT"?!


'Tis I!

"But, what if he has a HEIGHTENED immune system?!"

(… TERRIFIC show!)

GRAMMATICAL explanation:
It is "I" not "me", 'cuz a "SUBJECT-tense noun" is NECESSARY after a "linking verb" ("is").



Don't ACT like you didN'T KNOW!

So, one of MY employees was--YET AGAIN (THREE times in TWO weeks)--LATE this morning!
ET AGAIN, said person NEGLECTED to even CALL!
(… My "company"/"organization" is comprised of a TEAM.  So, said individual is "hurting" not JUST me!)

What I'm REALLY "STEAMED" about is that

said employee didN'T even tell ME--the BOSS--about the PREVIOUS truancies!

A DIFFERENT employee had to tell me yesterday!
'Tis a GOOD thing I learned of these DISCREPANCIES BEFORE I completed the "payroll".

IMMEDIATELY, I thought of THIS:  

(… "NAW, that AIN'T ME.)


Monday, March 17, 2014

"Even in TOUGH times, you've gotta stay FOCUSED."

… "An arrow can only be shot by (FIRST) pulling it BACKWARD.
When LIFE is 'dragging you BACK' with difficulties, it means that it's going to 'LAUNCH you' into something GREAT!
So, just FOCUS, … and keep aiming."
(--COMEDIAN Kevin Hart)

"GOOD things come to those who WAIT."



On my way home from another GREAT workout at my FABULOUS gym--"NeuroFit 360", my company-appointed driver kept listening to this HORRIBLY ANNOYING/STUPID political-(MOCK)analyst SCREAM obscenities and his DIS-approval of ALL of President Obama's "policies".

NOT wanting to hear ANY MORE of EITHER the IDIOTIC political-review OR my driver's PITIFUL and LOUD political-rants, I complained that "I have VERY SENSITIVE ears".
So, he turned OFF the radio for ~seven minutes.
Then, he turned ON some QUIET, soothing classical music.

A.J./LOGIC - 1
Driver/STUPIDITY - 0


"I'm having a SHITTY day. Tell me a joke."

"… Well, um, I'll have a coke."

"What is the symbology of that?"
A.J., "I think you mean, 'What is the 'SSSYMBOL-ISM'?'."

"(SIGH) That's just fuckin' WEE-UHD.
I have no idea."

"Continue the 'JOKE'."

("Antidisestablishmentarianism" is the "OPPOSITION TO the withdrawal of the recognition of the Anglican Church in 19th-century England".)
… Y'all ask, "HOW do I know that?!"
ME: "'Cuz I''m an expert in … NAME-EOLOGY!"

(… These quotes are ALL from the FANTASTIC movie, 'The Boondock Saints', which I watched last night.)



When I arose this morning, I got to thinkin':

"I know you can be OVER-whelmed, and you can be UNDER-whelmed.
But, can you ever just be WHELMED?!"
(--I forgot which COMEDIAN said that.)


Sunday, March 16, 2014

My DOUBTERS (Read: "doctors") observing my PHENOMENAL strength & progress:

"Neo, NO ONE has ever done this before."
Me: "That's why it's gonna WORK."
(((I'm watching)(--'The Matrix'))

I've gotta leave NO DOUBT.

"There is a DIFFERENCE … between KNOWING 'the path' and WALKING 'it'."

P.S. "My name … is NEO."
(--'The Matrix Reloaded')



… But, it's NECESSARY.

The "Comcast" electronic-services company "SUCKS ASS"!
I just spent the last 87 MINUTES (3 HOURS and 27 MINUTES) without ANY POWER/ELECTRICITY!  My brother went next-door, and she was OUT as well.  My "caregiver" called said PATHETIC, RETARDED company, and he heard a COMPUTER-GENERATED message.  LAZY-ASS "Comcast" wouldn't even ANSWER the phone!

The "message" said that my Internet AND television would NOT have power RESTORED until 8:00 pm.  (APPARENTLY, a REQUIREMENT on the "Comcast"-application is an IN-ability to tell time.)

I JUST got my power back.
(During my wait, I did "Sudoku".)

"Comcast" is a WASTE of TIME, ENERGY and SPACE!
I WILL change my service-company SOON!
(I HOPE "Comcast" goes BANKRUPT … SOON!)


Quantitative Comparison:

"Your DESIRE for SUCCESS should (MUST) be


your FEAR of FAILURE."
(--Bill Cosby)

(… AGAIN, HOW is that HUMOROUS?!
It's MERELY a HUMOROUS individual stating a FACT.)
(… Score YET ANOTHER point for LOGIC/REASONING, and STILL ZERO for my high school principal.  "EAT IT", "FEMALE-DOG"!)

Your (MY) "push"/motivation for IMPROVEMENT
your (MY) hesitancy to "TAKE ON" a CHALLENGE.

(… Doesn't the Bible say something like
"Lead us NOT into TEMPTATION, but 'DELIVER US' from EVIL"?)

(… Yeah, by NO MEANS am I an "EVANGELICAL man", but I did "ACE my way" (Read: "FOUR YEARS of STRAIGHT "A"s") through a CATHOLIC high school.  I--SOMEWHAT--paid attention.)

P.S. Since there are no NUMBERS in my "comparison", wouldn't it be "QUALITATIVE"?!


'Tis SAD but TRUE.


"People will QUESTION all the GOOD things about you,
but BELIEVE all the BAD without a second thought."
(--COMEDIAN Kevin Hart)

(… How's that FUNNY?!
OW!  The truth HURTS.)

(… This is YET ANOTHER reason how/why I'm "DIFFERENT".
Despite ALL my "obstacles", letdowns and adversities, I (MUST) remain thinking "glass is half-FULL".


OVERCOMING adversity

"Why do we FALL?

So, we can LEARN to 'pick ourselves back up'."
(--'Batman Begins')

"When Life 'knocks us down', we have a CHOICE whether to get up again."
(--Dr. Han, 'Karate Kid')

… Life is FULL OF choices, opportunities and decisions.
TRY to "create a POSITIVE atmosphere" around you.

'Carpe diem.'
(--'Seize the day.')


Saturday, March 15, 2014

Oh, sweet I-RON-Y!

On the way home from practicing/preparing for my upcoming 'Jiujitsu' class-teaching, the car-radio played the song,

'Do What You Do' (by Jermaine Jackson).

I practice for my CO-teaching ~TWICE a month, so my 'sempai' (PHONETIC Japanese: 'sehm-PIY') ('ASSISTANT martial arts instructor') "knows the 'ROUTINE'".



(I was busy PARTYIN' A LOT yesterday!)

At 6:53 am yesterday morning, we ALL "CELEBRATED" the 422 year ANNIVERSARY of
"Pi Day".

(pi = ~3.14159265358973238…)


Friday, March 14, 2014

… "There are SOME people (who) say that PROGRESS is DANGEROUS."

… "Well, THOSE PEOPLE have never had (BOTH a shoulder AND a knee) full of metal."
(--'Iron Man 3')

I HATE IT, when people say--to ME:
"I KNOW how you feel."

(… NO, you DON'T!
NEED I mention to you that a "TEAM"/FROUP/"PANEL" of ESTEEMED, "white-collar" DOCTORS said that I "should be DEAD"?!)

(… "You can't BS a BSer."--'Role Models')


"That's the thing about SMART GUYS."

… "We always 'cover our asses'."
(--'Iron Man 3)

1) I ALWAYS have a "Plan B".
(… That's PART OF the reason why EVERY TASK takes me a little LONGER.)
(… I think AHEAD.)

2) In lieu of the "TRAUMATIC", DEVASTATING, CATACLYSMIC injuries I have suffered, I CONTINUE TO improve/"PROSPER"--RATHER than "VEGETATE" or DIE.

In CONCLUSION, I am--METAPHORICALLY--made of "IRON" … and a Y-chromosome.



1) Quality-film.

2) In lieu of my hearing that ny (IDIOTIC) GI-doctor declaring that "if I do NOT excrete fecal-waste (poop) EVERYDAY, then (I'm) "VERY SICK", I "MENTALLY-commanded" my RECTUM to "VOMIT-OUT" some of my consumptions.

(… Now, if only I could get my GI-doctor to "EAT IT!")

(… RELAX!  I'm just "VENTING".
Calm down, A.J.  Think about NUMBERS!)


"EVERYONE possesses the POWER to CHANGE (his/her) FATE."

"FAITH in YOURSELF is all you need."

--'Mortal Kombat: Annihilation'

(… WHO won that "tournament" and DEFEATED "the bad guys"?

… "Liu Kang"--a martial arts EXPERT)

(… I--TOO--am a martial arts SAVANT.)


UNFORTUNATELY, some people make me feel like "Johnny Moxson".

("Quarterback Johnny Moxson" = actor James Van Der Beek in 'Varsity Blues')

"Coach Kilmer" (actor Jon Voight) said to "Mox":

"Man, you are the DUMBEST smart-kid I KNOW!"

1) I--TOO--played (BACJUP-)QB for my high school.

2) I--TOO--attended an Ivy League college.
(I attended Penn.  "Mox" went to Brown.)


"The END justifies the MEANS."


it will be


(One of my ex-g/fs told me,

((… Then, I quipped, "Write that down."(--'The Office')))


… More Mental-Melodrama Metaphorically "Mounted"!

"Alliteration aside."(--'Dodgeball')

This morning I won my USUAL THREE games of "Minesweeper".
However, my victory-time got slightly WORSE from the FIRST to the SECOND game.
So, I made ANOTHER attempt.

Sure enough: "The THIRD time's the CHARM."

I went from

508 seconds
526 seconds

484 seconds.

So, I'm gonna classify those FIRST TWO times as




…--'Down Periscope'

As of TODAY--March 13, 2014,

I'm 28 YEARS, 11 MONTHS, 3 WEEKS and 5 DAYS old.
("You're only as OLD as you FEEL.")

(… Ergo, I'm that YOUNG.)


APATHY is NEVER a good sign.

If we "break down the word"(--my tenth grade Language Arts teacher), we get:

'a' = 'without'
'pathy' = 'feelings'  .

I did NOT even take/study ANY Latin!  I just possess a SMORGASBORD  of RANDOM trivia!
(Seeing as I've LIVED amongst the HIGHLY Hispanic-population in south Florida for MOST OF my ALMOST 29 year life, I favored  EVERYDAY-LOGIC over a higher "high school G.P.A."
(… Comedian Daniel Tosh would ask: "IS It Racist?")

Y'all MUST CARE about stuff.  It can be ANYTHING!
Just do what you LIKE.


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Ha ha HA!

"KNEES are like ELBOWS for the LEGS."
(--'Cougar Town')

My LEFT--ACTUAL--"knee" has a SIGNIFICANT amount of METAL in/on it.
My LEFT hip USED TO have some metal SURGICALLY-implanted in/on it.
Also, my LEFT shoulder STILL possesses A LOT of metal in/on it.

STRANGELY, ONLY my SHOULDER STILL displays a (HUGE) VISIBLE (surgical) scar!
((… I GUESS that since I'm still RELATIVELY "YOUNG", (I'm--CURRENTLY--ALMOST 29 years old.)) my skin "recovers"/"replenishes itself" SOMEWHAT "quickly".

(… So, I'm KINDA like a MILDER version of X-Men's "Wolverine".)


Monday, March 10, 2014

Thanks A LOT, "NeuriFit 360"-staff! I needed THAT!

I was WALKING on the treadmill, when a song came on the stereo.
(Now, as a lifelong NOT-music fan, I'm USUALLY successful at "blocking out" any/ALL "tunes".)
The staff-member who was monitoring my POSTURE remarked,

"OH!  I LOVE this song!  It's my JAM!"

The staff-member who was monitoring my GAIT/STRIDE THEN said,

"Ha ha HA!  THIS is Justin Bieber."

The "POSTURE-staffer"retorted,

"It IS?
SHIT.  I swear I did NOT know that!"

(PRIOR to this HILARIOUS "stepping on a'MINE'", my POSTURE & GAIT had been A BIT "SUB-par" (BELOW average).  But, AFTER the GOOD-NATURED "ribbing", my overall-WALKING was MUCH BETTER!)

I "work" BETTER with/around HUMOR!

"LAUGHTER is the BEST medicine!"


Since EVERYTHING takes ME a little LONGER,

I have to think/plan AHEAD.

"The ALTERNATIVE would be to think BACKWARDS.
And, that's just REMEMBERING."
(--Dr. Sheldon Cooper, 'The Big Bang Theory')


… MORE "walking":

For the past SEVERAL days, I've taken between FEW and ZERO "pigeon-toed" steps--while "ASSISTED-WALKING" (TWICE EVERY MORNING).

If I were to give an APPROXIMATE mathematical-breakdown, it would look like this:

~7 days MULTIPLIED BY (~28 steps from bed to bathroom PLUS ~42 steps from bathroom to living room MINUS ~3 "pigeon-toes") = My CURRENT "WALKING-stance"-rate

= ~7 x (~28 + ~42 - ~3)

= ~7 x ~67

= (~420 + ~49)

= (~490 - ~21)

= ~469 NON-"pigeon-toed" steps in ~the LAST week

… OUT OF ~490 steps


469/490 =     ~0.957

Thus, APPROXIMATELY 95.7% of my WALKING-steps are ABOVE-average.




After ~5.5 years, I noticed last week that my neck doesn't hurt--AT ALL, when I bend/tilt it REALLY FAR to my left side!  It USED TO be VERY PAINFUL!  It was SO INTOLERABLE that I subconsciously/inadvertently developed A BIT OF an UNKNOWING "slant" to my (SUPPOSEDLY) "180 degree neck-posture.

… My UPPER-body trainer showed me some HELPFUL neck-stretches that I try to do DAILY.

… The staff at my LOWER-body gym--"NeuroFit 360"--CONSTANTLY cue me to "fix (my) neck-positioning"and "maintain proper posture".

So, the combination of my PHYSICAL stretching/"RENEWED strength" … AND nerve-regeneration is FINALLY "taking effect"!

"GOOD things come to those who WAIT."


(WARNING) NOT so 'Dumb & Dumber'

As part of my "morning-ROUTINE", I like/HAVE TO "relieve myself" via urination.
Since I do NOT "wet the bed" (I am NOT a CHILD!), I ask for my urinal.

Now, SOMETIMES I'll have to adjust my hand-/body-POSITIONING mid-"stream"--since, ESSENTIALLY, I have only ~3/5 of a "GOOD" hand.  (PRE-accident, BOTCHED surgery to repair my broken right ulna in my forearm)

…During said "body-realignments", I may HAVE TO--ONLY TEMPORARILY--HALT my urinary-secretion MID "expulsion".  As a result of these INCONVENIENT, UN-timely adjustments, I think of the INSIGHTFUL words of one "Lloyd Christmas" (played by actor Jim Carrey) of the HILARIOUS film, 'Dumb & Dumber':

(When told to END his urinating BEFORE he's finished)
"I can't STOP once I've STARTED!  It STINGS!"

(… AMEN to that!)

P.S. No.  I do NOT have a U.T.I. (Urinary-Tract Infection).
It's called a T.B.I. (Traumatic Brain-Injury).
… No.  The human BRAIN is NOT located in the genitalia.

P.P.S. Of said film's two protagonists--in the title, I think "Harry Dunn" (actor Jeff Daniels) was 'DUMB', and "Lloyd Christmas" (Jim Carrey) was 'DUMBER'.


Sunday, March 9, 2014

Can I get an "AMEN!"?

(I JUST watched the GREAT film, ''That's My Boy''.
This song is played in the background toward the end of the film.)

"Wasted youth! Wasted youth!

I know that I will never be politically correct
And I don't give a damn about my lack of etiquette
As far as I'm concerned, the world could still be flat
And if the thrill is gone, then it's time to take it back
If the thrill is gone, then it's time to take it back

Who am I? Why am I here?
Forget the questions, someone gimme another beer
What's the meaning of life, what's the meaning of it all?
You gotta learn to dance before you learn to crawl
You gotta learn to dance before you learn to crawl

So sign up all you raw recruits,
Throw away those designer suits
You got your weapons cocked,
Your targets in your sights
There's a party raging somewhere in the world
You gotta serve your country,
Gotta service your girl
You're all enlisted in the armies of the night

And I ain't in it for the power,
And I ain't in it for my health
I ain't in it for the glory of anything at all
And I sure ain't in it for the wealth
But I'm in it till it's over and I just can't stop
If you wanna get it done,
You gotta do it yourself
And I like my music like I like my life
Everything louder than everything else,
Everything louder than everything else,
Everything louder than everything else,
Everything louder than everything else,
Everything louder than everything else,
Everything louder than everything else,

Wasted youth! Wasted youth!
Wasted youth! Wasted youth!

They got a file on me and it's a mile long
And they say that they got all of the proof
That I'm just another case of arrested development
And just another wasted youth

They say that I'm in need of some radical discipline
They say I gotta face the truth
That I'm just another case of arrested development
And just another wasted youth

They say I'm wild and I'm reckless,
(wild, wild, wild)
I should be acting my age
I'm an impressionable child in a tumultuous world
And they say I'm at a difficult stage

But it seems to me to the contrary
Of all the crap they're going to put on the page
That a wasted youth is better by far
Than a wise and productive old age
A wasted youth is better by far
Than a wise and productive old age
A wasted youth is better by far
Than a wise and productive old age
A wasted youth is better by far
Than a wise and productive old age
A wasted youth is better by far
Than a wise and productive old age
A wasted youth is better by far
Than a wise and productive old age

If you want my views of history
Then there's something you should know
The three men I admire most
Are Curly, Larry and Mo!
If you don't worry 'bout the future,
Sooner or later it's the past
And if they say the thrill is gone,
Then it's time to take it back
If the thrill is gone,
Then it's time to take it back

So sign up all you raw recruits,
Throw away all those two-bit suits
You got your weapons cocked,
Your targets in your sights
There's a party raging somewhere in the world
You gotta serve your country,
Gotta service your girl
You're all inducted in the armies of the night

And I ain't in it for the power,
And I ain't in it for my health
I ain't in it for the glory of anything at all
And I sure ain't in it for the wealth
But I'm in it till it's over and I just can't stop
If you wanna get it done,
You gotta fight for yourself
And I like my music like I like my life

Everything louder than everything else
Everything louder than everything else
Everything louder than everything else"

(--Meat Loaf)

P.S. Due to occasionally PAINFUL METAL in my knee, I almost KNOW that I WILL "DANCE" BEFORE I "CRAWL".

P.P.S. My mom makes GREAT "meat loaf", so I CERTAINLY enjoy … the FOOD!


Saturday, March 8, 2014

"I can accept FAILURE."

But, I CAN'T accept NOT trying."
(--Michael Jordan)

(… "TRU DAT!"


My TRAGIC accident--and resulting doctors--WANTED me to say:

ME: ** "I guess I CAN'T be sum thin' I'm NOT."
THEM (and my accident--PERSONIFIED): "What--a doctor?"
ME: ** "No, … SMAHT."


** "Anyone … who does NOT act in his own self-interest … is a FOOL!"

(** = quoted from 'Newsies')


Friday, March 7, 2014

… "That's what SHE said!"

(--Michael Scott, 'The Office')

… While I was WALKING around "NeuroFit 360", the "secretary" (I don't know her ACTUAL job-title.) asked me where my mom was with all my groceries.
My reply: "Mam, I'm eight years old.  D'ya think I'd be here ... ALONE?!"

I am ACTUALLY "eight years old" …. PLUS 20+ YEARS.
However, NOBODY questioned my WALKING-exercises.
I was MOCK-quoting Kevin McCallister (Macauley Caulkin) in 'Home Alone'

P.S. Said "shopping-cart" was WEIGHED DOWN--to help my steering--with TWO 35-pound weights.



1) My SPEAKING is getting SO COGENT/UNDERSTANDABLE that I did NOT need/use my "letter-board" during my Speech-Therapy.

2) I accomplished some GREAT/MAJOR feats at my LOWER-body gym today--"NeuroFit 360".
(I initiated my OWN STANDING MULTIPLE times alongside a "borrowed" shopping-cart from a nearby Publix.)
(… Also, I practiced my STEPPING &WEIGHT-SHIFTING by pushing the cart.)

3) … I PUSHED said "cart" THREE laps--back & forth across my gym (~80 feet).

4) My RUDE, INCONSIDERATE driver (TO & FROM my gym) "drove me" (METAPHORICALLY) to my desire to LEASE … MY OWN CAR to AVOID his STUPID company's NASTY, MEAN, CONSTANTLY TRUANT drivers.
(… PLUS, I can "write it off" as a "business expense".)

(… Yeah, I was in an "ACCELERATED degree"-program in Graduate-school for my MBA at the time of my TRAGIC accident.)

(… Ebonically speaking, "I know my SHIT.")



… an attractive FE-male.

(… 'Cuz I JUST had an "Excretory Extravaganza"/"Poop-Party" ("Alliteration aside."--'Dodgeball') …
AND I possess a Y-chromosme.)

…  (YouTube:)  


Thursday, March 6, 2014

… "Jeopardy"-ANSWER:

Istanbul (FORMERLY: "Constantinople"). Turkey

is in/on BOTH Europe (~7%) AND Asia (~93%).


So, I have a "Traumatic Brain-Injury".

Nonetheless, I'd like to pose this 'Jeopardy'-question to Y'ALL:

(SUBJECT: Geography)



"When I was SIX years old, I had a FULL-TIME job."
(--'Major Payne')

… SOON, I will operate MY OWN MATH-tutoring service.

(… Although, I do NOT want any SYMPATHY for my "CONDITION".

"You want 'SYMPATHY'?  Look in the dictionary between 'SHI'T and 'SYPHILIS'.")

(Ha ha HA!)


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

"Food for THOUGHT":

"I'd rather be trapped UNDER a train, than listen to ANY song BY 'Train'

By the way, what the HELL'S 'a drop of Jupiter'?!"


(… This quote has NOTHING to do with my REHAB.  I just thought it was FUNNY.)

P.S. I "function BETTER" with HUMOR!  My injuries are FAR TOO DEPRESSING, DISHEARTENING and FRUSTRATING to NOT attempt to "put a POSITIVE spin on it"/them.
THAT's why I'm doing SO WELL at my PHENOMENAL/FANTASTIC gym--"NeuroFit 360".  My two MAIN trainers CONSTANTLY joke.


… I'm (IM-patiently) (… SSSHHH!) tapping my foot.

… My recent "WALKING and PUSHING"-trek around "NeuroFit 360" RENEWED my belief in the saying:
"GOOD things come to those who WAIT."


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

(SIGH) CONTRARY to the thoughts of the GOVERNMENT,

according to the GREAT French philosopher AND MATHEMATICIAN, Rene Descartes:

"I THINK (A LOT MORE logically than MOST NON-brain damaged folks), therefor I am."

Ergo, I am STILL a LIVING, FUNCTIONING--albeit SLIGHTLY limited, American citizen.

So, GIMME back my Constitutionally-protected RIGHTS!

I "blew up".
(Think about NUMBERS.
"You've gotta harness in the GOOD energy, and block the BAD.
Harness GOOD.  Block BAD."
"Go to your 'HAPPY place'."--'Happy Gilmore')


PROOF that the human brain is NOT located in the LEGS:

I can TOTALLY RELATE TO partially-ambulatory handicapped "Dr. Gregory House" of the PHENOMENAL medical-drama, 'House'.

(… "House"--like ME--is RIDICULOUSLY smart, sarcastic and impatient.)

(… I'm watching the show.)


Monday, March 3, 2014

… So, I've been IMPROVING with/on MANY of my movements!

"FIRST, we must ask ourselves,

'What IS physics?'"
(--Dr. Sheldon Cooper--Theoretical Physicist, 'The Big Bang Theory')


I have a MAJOR problem with my LEGS!

"A 'PROBLEM' is just a SOLUTION lost in the woods."
(--'Men at Work')

When I was a Boy Scout, I earned the "Orienteering" merit badge.)


In honor of last night's Oscars-ceremony/presentation,

… I thought I'd give an HONEST, UN-biased view/opinion of MY "AUTO-biography".

-- "Drama", 'cuz my story is VERY EMOTIONAL

-- "Comedy", 'cuz I'm just FUNNY
(HUMOR is my "safety-valve", when I'm uncomfortable.)

-- "Tragedy", 'cuz my accident was VERY UNFORTUNATE

-- "Horror", 'cuz it was a "GUT-WRENCHING" "TEAR-JERKER"


"The difference between 'ordinary' ' and 'extraordinary' is"

… "that LITTLE 'extra'."

(MOCKING-Donald Trump voice) "YUUUUUJE!"

Making bad decisions is a part of life. Blaming others for your 

bad decisions is immaturity.

Speaking of "EXTRA", I watched the HILARIOUS film, 'What 

About Bob?' this morning before Karate-class.

Bob: "Roses are RED.  Violets are BLUE.  I'm a 


And, so am I."

ME--as Bob: "Ever heard of 'Tourette-syndrome'?"

MY NeuroPsychologist's reply: "It's extremely-RARE."

ME--as Bob: "Shit-eating son-of-a-bitch! Bastard, douche-

bag, twat, numb-nuts, dick-head, BITCH!"

HER response: "WHY, exactly, are you doing this?!"

ME: "If I FAKE it, then I doN'T have it."


HER--as Psychiatrist DR. Leo Marvin--to ME: "Ya know, the 

BEST Psychologist--for YOU is … YOURSELF."

Regarding MY Sleeping-arrangements:

"Well, … I PREFER facing South-EAST."

(--Bob Wiley, 'W.A.B.')

Whoa, whoa, WHOA!  


'charlie-horse'" this morning, as I SAT in my MANUAL

-wheelchair this morning.  I couldN'T move my LEFT-foot for 

~14 minutes!  … 'Twas an AWFUL-feeling!

(… 'Twas the FIRST-time in … I doN'T KNOW how LONG … 

I've experienced ANY-kind of "SENSATION" in my LOWER 

appendages.  …. The jury's still DELIBERATING on whether 

THAT's a GOOD-indication for/from MY "neural-network".)



UN-fortunately, my 'Sempai' was NOT-present at Karate-

class today.  

(… APPARENTLY, he's on VACATION … with his 

GIRLFRIEND … at "Universal Studios".)

(… I ENVY him.)

NONETHELESS, my "Martial Arts"-PROFESSOR said that 

WE may go-over my NEW techniques on … TUESDAY!

(… So, I've gotta create MORE!)

I greeted "Trick-or-Treater"s from my driveway … starting at 

~6:30 pm EDT.

((I wore MY Karate-'uniform'(-'gi') & my black belt--with MY 

NAME on it--to MEET kids … in my driveway.))

… So, I sat in/on my driveway for ~94 (SOMEWHAT-

UN-eventful) minutes.  I "TREAT"ed 220% of "a HANDFUL" 

of YOUNG-guests.  (… TODAY/TONIGHT is about the 


(… My visitors included … 11 KIDS, 5 'rents--2 COSTUMED 

& 2 buddy's folks in a CAR … in an hour & 34 minutes.)

ALL of the children visited within the first ~42 minutes.  

(… HENCE my going-IN after ~52 minutes of IN-activity)

(… 11 guests / ~42 minutes = ~26.19% --> my INITIAL 

"guest-EFFICIENCY rating")

(… THAT soon/later "FELL-to" … 0.00%.)

P.S. PLEASE remember about "Daylight-Savings" TONIGHT!


--'The Bone Collector'

"Ya know, genetically speaking, they say we come into this world with a preordained destiny.
I don't believe it.
I say our 'FATE' is what we make it."

I CONCUR with "Mr. Lincoln Rhyme".

(… ALSO, Rhyme & I are in VERY SIMILAR situations:
We're BOTH

--heavily DEPENDENT on a computer.
-- VERY MUCH respected for our INTELLIGENCE.
-- cared for 24/7 by "caregivers".
-- "CRUISIN', so we might as well be AMUSIN'!")


GREAT start to my week!

… ACTUALLY--TECHNICALLY, according to ANY CALENDAR, the "week" BEGINS on SUN-day.
HOWEVER, "Sunday" is my "RELAX-day".  MY "week" of workouts (EVERYTHING is a "workout" … to some extent.) starts on Monday "PREevening"(--'The Big Bang Theory').

-- I "WALKED"--with MINIMAL staff-assistance--around the "NeuroFit 360"-complex (my SPECTACULAR gym).
WHILE trekking around the facility, I PUSHED one of the staff in a WHEELCHAIR.
(Oh, sweet I-RON-Y!)
Said "passenger" even took a "SELFIE" and taped the escapade!

-- I did some GREAT weight-shifting and foot-placement while STANDING by some rings on the ground.

-- I did OTHER GREAT leg-exercises.


Sunday, March 2, 2014


Last night I decided that I'd try EATING--via MOUTH--while UP in my chair.

My MEAL was rather "LIGHT":
I had TWO bites of meatloaf, TWO bites of hamloaf and TWO bites of scalloped potatoes.

The reason that I STOPPED eating BEFORE COMPLETING my portion was
that my pieces of POTATOES were NOT cut SUFFICIENTLY.
So, since I had ALREADY "eaten" my "dinner"--via my "G-tube", I decided to JUST "socialize".


I guess I WAS kinda like "John Mason" of 'The Rock'.

"According to 'British-intelligence', he DOES NOT EXIST."

… Since I was in TWO SEPARATE comas--AND they're STUPID, the people of the AMERICAN government ruled ~two years ago that I was NOT MENTALLY-cognizant enough to do
just about ANYTHING.

Nonetheless/Regardless, I'm "SLOWLY yet SURELY"--with TREMENDOUS help from my neural-psychologist and my law-team--RE-gaining my



(… 'Cuz this is AMERICA!)


HAPPY thoughts = RELAXING thoughts

Usually (Read: "EVERY morning"),
I wake up at ~6:00 am, 'cuz that's when my "caregiver" (employee) arrives.
(I'm a "LIGHT-sleeper".  PLUS, I have "SUPERSONIC-hearing".)

… Last night I dreamt about DISPLAYING my PHYSICAL-IMPROVEMENTS in Karate--via my TEACHING and DEMONSTRATING.


(… I AWOKE at 7:26 am.)


Saturday, March 1, 2014

ANYONE with ME?!

YES, I CONTINUE TO display GREAT PHYSICAL-PROGRESS in my SLOW recovery/rehabilitation.
(MORE DETAILS later …)


(… Needless to say, I'm not bitter.)

"ACCOMPLISHMENTS are NOTHING without someone to SHARE them with."
(--'Fantastic Four')


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