Monday, March 17, 2014

"I'm having a SHITTY day. Tell me a joke."

"… Well, um, I'll have a coke."

"What is the symbology of that?"
A.J., "I think you mean, 'What is the 'SSSYMBOL-ISM'?'."

"(SIGH) That's just fuckin' WEE-UHD.
I have no idea."

"Continue the 'JOKE'."

("Antidisestablishmentarianism" is the "OPPOSITION TO the withdrawal of the recognition of the Anglican Church in 19th-century England".)
… Y'all ask, "HOW do I know that?!"
ME: "'Cuz I''m an expert in … NAME-EOLOGY!"

(… These quotes are ALL from the FANTASTIC movie, 'The Boondock Saints', which I watched last night.)


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