Monday, March 10, 2014

Thanks A LOT, "NeuriFit 360"-staff! I needed THAT!

I was WALKING on the treadmill, when a song came on the stereo.
(Now, as a lifelong NOT-music fan, I'm USUALLY successful at "blocking out" any/ALL "tunes".)
The staff-member who was monitoring my POSTURE remarked,

"OH!  I LOVE this song!  It's my JAM!"

The staff-member who was monitoring my GAIT/STRIDE THEN said,

"Ha ha HA!  THIS is Justin Bieber."

The "POSTURE-staffer"retorted,

"It IS?
SHIT.  I swear I did NOT know that!"

(PRIOR to this HILARIOUS "stepping on a'MINE'", my POSTURE & GAIT had been A BIT "SUB-par" (BELOW average).  But, AFTER the GOOD-NATURED "ribbing", my overall-WALKING was MUCH BETTER!)

I "work" BETTER with/around HUMOR!

"LAUGHTER is the BEST medicine!"


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