Monday, March 3, 2014

GREAT start to my week!

… ACTUALLY--TECHNICALLY, according to ANY CALENDAR, the "week" BEGINS on SUN-day.
HOWEVER, "Sunday" is my "RELAX-day".  MY "week" of workouts (EVERYTHING is a "workout" … to some extent.) starts on Monday "PREevening"(--'The Big Bang Theory').

-- I "WALKED"--with MINIMAL staff-assistance--around the "NeuroFit 360"-complex (my SPECTACULAR gym).
WHILE trekking around the facility, I PUSHED one of the staff in a WHEELCHAIR.
(Oh, sweet I-RON-Y!)
Said "passenger" even took a "SELFIE" and taped the escapade!

-- I did some GREAT weight-shifting and foot-placement while STANDING by some rings on the ground.

-- I did OTHER GREAT leg-exercises.


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