Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Ha ha HA!

"KNEES are like ELBOWS for the LEGS."
(--'Cougar Town')

My LEFT--ACTUAL--"knee" has a SIGNIFICANT amount of METAL in/on it.
My LEFT hip USED TO have some metal SURGICALLY-implanted in/on it.
Also, my LEFT shoulder STILL possesses A LOT of metal in/on it.

STRANGELY, ONLY my SHOULDER STILL displays a (HUGE) VISIBLE (surgical) scar!
((… I GUESS that since I'm still RELATIVELY "YOUNG", (I'm--CURRENTLY--ALMOST 29 years old.)) my skin "recovers"/"replenishes itself" SOMEWHAT "quickly".

(… So, I'm KINDA like a MILDER version of X-Men's "Wolverine".)


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