Saturday, March 29, 2014

(A picture of a "LIGHT BULB"--on my "communication-board"--indicates)

(… "Please turn on/off the light.")
(SIGH) However, the symbol has been MIS-interpreted to indicate
"I have an IDEA!"

The INVENTOR of said "symbol" (the "light bulb") said:

"I haven't 'FAILED'.
I've just found 10,000 ways that WON'T work."
(--Thomas Edison)

(… How 'bout THAT for "piecing it ALL together"?!)

(… MUCH to my--MATHEMATICAL--chagrin, there was NO "tangent", 'cuz I "connected" the two POINTS/TOPICS.)

(… Also, how 'bout THAT for maintaining a POSITIVE outlook regarding my attempts at WALKING?!)


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