Monday, March 10, 2014



After ~5.5 years, I noticed last week that my neck doesn't hurt--AT ALL, when I bend/tilt it REALLY FAR to my left side!  It USED TO be VERY PAINFUL!  It was SO INTOLERABLE that I subconsciously/inadvertently developed A BIT OF an UNKNOWING "slant" to my (SUPPOSEDLY) "180 degree neck-posture.

… My UPPER-body trainer showed me some HELPFUL neck-stretches that I try to do DAILY.

… The staff at my LOWER-body gym--"NeuroFit 360"--CONSTANTLY cue me to "fix (my) neck-positioning"and "maintain proper posture".

So, the combination of my PHYSICAL stretching/"RENEWED strength" … AND nerve-regeneration is FINALLY "taking effect"!

"GOOD things come to those who WAIT."


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