Monday, March 3, 2014

"The difference between 'ordinary' ' and 'extraordinary' is"

… "that LITTLE 'extra'."

(MOCKING-Donald Trump voice) "YUUUUUJE!"

Making bad decisions is a part of life. Blaming others for your 

bad decisions is immaturity.

Speaking of "EXTRA", I watched the HILARIOUS film, 'What 

About Bob?' this morning before Karate-class.

Bob: "Roses are RED.  Violets are BLUE.  I'm a 


And, so am I."

ME--as Bob: "Ever heard of 'Tourette-syndrome'?"

MY NeuroPsychologist's reply: "It's extremely-RARE."

ME--as Bob: "Shit-eating son-of-a-bitch! Bastard, douche-

bag, twat, numb-nuts, dick-head, BITCH!"

HER response: "WHY, exactly, are you doing this?!"

ME: "If I FAKE it, then I doN'T have it."


HER--as Psychiatrist DR. Leo Marvin--to ME: "Ya know, the 

BEST Psychologist--for YOU is … YOURSELF."

Regarding MY Sleeping-arrangements:

"Well, … I PREFER facing South-EAST."

(--Bob Wiley, 'W.A.B.')

Whoa, whoa, WHOA!  


'charlie-horse'" this morning, as I SAT in my MANUAL

-wheelchair this morning.  I couldN'T move my LEFT-foot for 

~14 minutes!  … 'Twas an AWFUL-feeling!

(… 'Twas the FIRST-time in … I doN'T KNOW how LONG … 

I've experienced ANY-kind of "SENSATION" in my LOWER 

appendages.  …. The jury's still DELIBERATING on whether 

THAT's a GOOD-indication for/from MY "neural-network".)



UN-fortunately, my 'Sempai' was NOT-present at Karate-

class today.  

(… APPARENTLY, he's on VACATION … with his 

GIRLFRIEND … at "Universal Studios".)

(… I ENVY him.)

NONETHELESS, my "Martial Arts"-PROFESSOR said that 

WE may go-over my NEW techniques on … TUESDAY!

(… So, I've gotta create MORE!)

I greeted "Trick-or-Treater"s from my driveway … starting at 

~6:30 pm EDT.

((I wore MY Karate-'uniform'(-'gi') & my black belt--with MY 

NAME on it--to MEET kids … in my driveway.))

… So, I sat in/on my driveway for ~94 (SOMEWHAT-

UN-eventful) minutes.  I "TREAT"ed 220% of "a HANDFUL" 

of YOUNG-guests.  (… TODAY/TONIGHT is about the 


(… My visitors included … 11 KIDS, 5 'rents--2 COSTUMED 

& 2 buddy's folks in a CAR … in an hour & 34 minutes.)

ALL of the children visited within the first ~42 minutes.  

(… HENCE my going-IN after ~52 minutes of IN-activity)

(… 11 guests / ~42 minutes = ~26.19% --> my INITIAL 

"guest-EFFICIENCY rating")

(… THAT soon/later "FELL-to" … 0.00%.)

P.S. PLEASE remember about "Daylight-Savings" TONIGHT!


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