Tuesday, June 3, 2014


CONTRARY to what a DOCYOR recently told me, I--as a "Biomedical Engineer" from an ESTEEMED "Ivy League"-institution--UNDERSTAND a "LARGE portion" of the FUNCTIONS of the human anatomy.
(… After explaining the extent/details of my brain-injury, one doctor asked me:
"Do ya follow?"
After I nodded and explained my educational-background, said medical-"expert"(JERK) chuckled, shrugged his shoulders and retorted, "SO?!"

(… How UN-professional!)

I NEVER said that I'm SMARTER than he is!  I merely provided some explanation/reason as to HOW/WHY I was able to "follow along" with EVERYTHING he explained.

IF I EVER see this DOOFUS again, I'll WALK into his office, then SARCASTICALLY remark into his FACE:

"HEY!  Shake your dicks.  This 'PISSING-contest' is OVER."
(--'The Other Guys')

"Game, Set, Match--Kaynatma."
--tennis referee


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