Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Catchin' UP!

Theodore Herzl--to ME--about my RECOVERY:
"If you WILL it, Dude, ... it is NO-dream."
(--Walter Sobchak, 'The Big Lebowski')

-- In lieu of YESTEEDAY's "MEETING" ... in which my NeuralPsychoTherapist AND my mom kinda-"OPENED my eyes" to an OUTSIDER's likely-PERCEPTION of my actions, I'll REFLECT-upon the words of LEGENDARY-actor Anthony Hopkins:
... "It's NONE-of 'MY-business' what people SAY of me & THINK of me. ... I AM what I am, & I DO what I do. ... I EXPECT nothing & ACCEPT everything. ... And, it makes life SO-much easIER."
... I doN'T EXPECT people to be-NICE-to & UNDERSTANDING-of ME. ... I PREFER to be PLEASANTLY-surprised.

... Sooo, I watched a YouTube-video of Eddie Murphy on old-school 'S.NL.' ... of 'LOWERED Expectations'.
(... Ha ha HA! CLASSIC!)

--  I DID-enjoy my sister's AGAIN-helping in my SPEECH-Therapy.

... She sat--with her back-TURNED--to test the "COGENCY" of my LANGUAGE.


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