Sunday, September 11, 2016


... (--Ron, 'Anchorman')

(... The IRONY is that I have MY "UPPER body"-workouts on TUESDAY-miday.  ... Ssshhh, AM I "Ronald Burgundy"?!)
(... I've GOTTA warm-up/stretch-out my LIPS & VOCAL CORDS:
"UNIQUE NEW YORK."--Ron, 'Anchorman')

-- I've noticed that ... RATHER-than "blogging A LOT", I'm WRITING often.  
... I'll likely be-CONTINUING that "schedule" for the next ~few weeks.

... I HAD-to make my FIRST-entry into my "JOURNAL" ... of PEEVES, ... 'cuz my sister seems-to have NO-RESPECT for stuff that's NOT-hers!


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