Sunday, September 11, 2016

It's been a ... "HECTIC" last 24 hours.

... (I put "HECTIC" in QUOTATION-marks, 'cuz I've had so-LITTLE to DO, ... that I've MOSTLY-been ... WRITING.)

... And, TODAY was rather-UNEVENTFUL as well.

... I DID-watch the movie, 'Jane Wants a Boyfriend'.
(... 'Tis about a lonely AUTISTIC woman's TRYING-to venture-OUT with her overprotective sister.
... I could REALLY-relate: 
EVERYONE made these FALSE-assumptions about her INTELLIGENCE ... & degree of COMPREHENSION

What a SPECTACULAR-"Martial Arts"-class!
(... And, NONE of MY techniques were even-SHOWN!)

... I asked Professor, IF he read my LATEST-email of techniques.  ... He responded in the NEGATIVE.  ... But, he RECOMMENDED that I make a dvd-SHOWING of MY ASSORTMENT of "KARATE/WRESTLING/JUJITSU"-techniques, ... 'cuz they're so "UNIQUE & HELPFUL"!

... It's NOT that I NEED recognition!  ... But, it SURE-as-HELL feels GOOD!

(... So, I'll be CONCENTRATING-MORE on my OTHER-projects ... of AUTOBIOGRAPHY-writing & TECHNIQUE-organizing.)


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