Thursday, September 1, 2016

WAY-to CLOSE-out the/MY "WORK-week"!

(WARNING) So, I BEGAN my morning ... rather-LOUDLY & -ABRU[TLY at ~9:15 am with a medium-sized bowel-movement, ... 'twas my FIFTH at-LEAST "SENI-solid" bowel-movement in ... ~102 hours.   

... WEIRDO that I AM, I ALWAYS-RELISH the times I BEGIN my DAY with a "FECAL 'FUN-anza'"!

... It's ALMOST as-IF my INTERNAL DIGESTIVE-system KNOWS & UNDERSTANDS my schedule ... that I go to my buddy's house EARLY for brunch tomorrow.  So, my "FEEDING-schedule" will REQUIRE ... SEVERAL ... alterations. 
... Ah, well!  It'll be FUN!

-- 'Twas another PRODUCTIVE Speech-Therapy session.
... GREAT eating!
(... I AM, however, EAGER-to get this doctor's PRECAUTION of LIMITED-eating ... "LIFTED"/ENDED.) 

-- 'Twas a "SOLID"-workout at 'NeuroFit 360' with ALOTTA "WALKING" ... with ONLY a CANE in my RIGHT-hand ... & a trainer LIGHTLY-supporting my LEFT-arm!  

(... Even-MORE "WALKING" than USUAL!  ... NOICE!)
(... I REALLY-ENJOY "WALKING" with CANE, 'cuz it just-SEEMS-like the CLOSEST-semblance of/to REALITY!)


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