Sunday, September 11, 2016

'Tis my USUAL day-OFF.

... Thus, I BEGAN it WELL.
(WARNING) At ~8:50 am, I "dropped a 'BODACIOUS BOWEL-BOMB'" ... while "BOUNCING on the BALLS of my feet ... in my BATHROOM".

... Alliteration aside.  'Twas RELIEVING!

--  I THOUGHT-of a GREAT-idea for FUTURE-work! 
... As TODAY I have MULTIPLE-interviews ... for a NEW-housemate, I do-NOT have EXCESS-time to "COMPOSE" that.

... They went WELL.  The ORIGINAL FOUR candidates "SHRUNK" to TWO.

-- The "ESPN -- Fantasy"-site was "DOWN" ... ALL-day.  
... So, I JUST HAD-to WATCH ... ALOTTA football today.
(... Can you SMELL the SARCASM?!)


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