Friday, September 23, 2016


... NO, I am NOT JUST saying THAT, 'cuz I "EVACUATED my BOWELS".
(... Although, 'twas a STUPENDOUS-START to my DAY, ... 'cuz my WEEKEND-Nurse URGED me to ACCEPT the OPTION of Bowel-STIMULANT.  ... I REFUSED.  

(WARNING) ... And, sure-enough, ~30 minutes AFTER my FIRST-"breakfast", I "let-LOOSE" ... with a MEDIUM, SEMI-solid "FECAL 'FUN-anza'".
(... Who KNOWS MY-body BETTER-than I?!

-- I had a GREAT-day of BONDING with my NEW-housemate!

... We watched my VALEDICTORY.  
... We watched a-BUNCH of FUNNY 'Lonely Island'-videos.
... We planned a PARTY ... that just HAPPENS-to fall-ON the SAME-day as HIS 30th birthday & MY 31st & a HALF "ANNIVERSARY ... aboard Earth"!

-- OTHER-than the-ABOVE, I ... just "shot the 'SHIT'"!


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