Thursday, September 1, 2016


...  I've GOTTA-amuse MYSELF!

--So, I awoke "a SMIDGEON-early", 'cuz I could FEEL "Nature's IMPENDING-'call'".
... Afterwards, I "RANG"-for a "TREK" to my toilet ... to STAND & urinate.  
... Upon my RETURN-"WALK", I decided-to get-INTO my CHAIR.  

-- 'Tis BETTER to WAIT-for the CORRECT-people, than to RUSH-in with the WRONG-representatives.
... Ergo, my meeting with my mom & school-officials WAS scheduled for TOMORROW.  But, the school's reps had something-ELSE come-up.  So, they HAFTA-reschedule ... with MY "POSSE".  

-- 'Twas yet-ANOTHER FANTASTIC "Martial Arts"-class!  ... And, I didN'T even TEACH!  ... I merely-COMMENTED a lot & planned my next CO-teaching CLASS ... for the ADULT-class NEXT-Saturday--the TENTH!

-- I CONFIRMED a get-TOGETHER with my mom, my ex-housemte & his family for THIS-Saturday BREAKFAST.


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