Saturday, November 30, 2013

It's … STILL … ALL angles.

In an effort to "work on" my WEAKNESSES,  I do squats--holding onto the hand-rail in my shower-area.
USUALLY, I do 20 squats.

Using my "STANDING UPRIGHT"-position as a 0-degree plane:

-- "DIP" ~120 degrees.
-- lean almost ENTIRELY on my LEFT, INJURED, weaker-ER leg for my last FIVE reps.

However, for the last week or so, I've been doing

--  30 squats.
-- AT LEAST ~135 degrees on my "DIPS".
-- 15 squats with the MAJORITY of my weight on my LEFT leg.

("You're ONLY as GOOD as your WEAKEST 'player'.")
(… My "players" = my LEGS)

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