Saturday, July 26, 2014

"A WARRIOR's path is a lonely one."

--Sentinel Prime, 'Transformers: Dark of the Moon'

That quote is EERILY and UNFORTUNATELY applicable to my CURRENT--TEMPORARY--"situation".

-- I have/own a "martial arts"-shirt that says 
"Warrior's Spirit".
-- From the way I'm "BATTLING through" my MANY physical, mental and societal "WARS", I consider MYSELF a "WARRIOR".
-- CONTRARY to MANY people's CLAIMS, NO ONE "knows how I FEEL"!
-- People hear about my "T.B.I.", and they think--and ASSUME--that I'm "just some kind of STUPID, ANTISOCIAL RETARD".
(… Can y'all BELIEVE that I overheard--with my "SUPER-sebsitive hearing"--some ignorant DUMBASS actually said THAT about ME?!)


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