Friday, July 18, 2014

"AMBIVALENCE" regarding my workout-"EXTREMA":

1) CLASSIC vocabulary-word--from the Latin 'ambi' ('both') and 'valentia' ('strength')

2) Use of MATHEMATICAL "lexicon"/"jargon" regarding my EMOTIONAL/PHYSICAL "UPS/DOWNS" ("MAXIMA"/"MINIMA")

So, I DID try some NEW and DIFFERENT exercises.  SUCCESS!
(  : )  )
I leaned/l"PARTIALLY lied" on a BIG cushion a MATTED/CUSHIONED table, while I "worked on"/developed my "trunk-control", "back-flexibility", "neck-control" and "UPPER arm-mobility".
(  :  )  )
STRANGELY, my LEFT shoulder started HURTING, when I--REPEATEDLY--REALLY REACHED across my body--to my RIGHT--to ring a bell.
(  : (  )
I STRUGGLED to MAINTAIN my composure and NOT get FRUSTRATED as my endurance DRAINED and my LEFT knee pain INCREASED.
(  : (  )

OVERALL, today MIGHT've been my WORST workout-performance.

(… 'Se la vi.'  They can't ALL be "WINNERS".)


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