Wednesday, July 30, 2014

"THIS isn't where I parked my car!"

… --DEVILISHLY grinning Cooper, 'EuroTrip'

"GROWTH is painful.
CHANGE is painful.

But, NOTHING is as PAINFUL as staying STUCK somewhere you DON'T belong."
(--Zig Ziglar)

((… NO OFFENSE to the OTHER--LESS fortunate--patients at "F.I.N.R." (That LAZY, MONEY-SUCKING, WASTE-of-TIME facility!), but it's become BLATANT/OBVIOUS that I've accomplished (MANY) MORE GREAT feats in the last YEAR than I did in ~FIVE YEARS THERE!))

(… Or MAYBE, that "SHIT-HOLE" set the "FOUNDATION" upon which I could "BUILD" my "STEPPING-STONES" to "GREATNESS".


Judges: "Nope, that place just 'SUCKED out LOUD'.  A.J., ALL you're triumphing is due to your CURRENT 'team'/associates, your PARTIAL nerve-REdevelopment and your OWN grit & determination.
So, that'd be A.J. -- 1, F.I.N.R. -- 0."


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