Wednesday, July 30, 2014

(WARNING) … AGAIN, "PRACTICE makes (CLOSE TO) perfect."

 I forgot which morning--but, RECENTLY, "Nature called."  
So, I "WALKED"--with my walker--APPROXIMATELY 42 steps--FROM my bed TO my "porcelain throne".  There I "STOOD"--while leaning on my "toilet-bars"--and urinated into my toilet.
After drip-LESS-ly "SHAKING" (YAY!), I "WALKED"--approximately 46 steps--BACK into my bed.
After "eating" my breakfast, I felt/heard some "RUMBLING" in my stomach.  So, I "WALKED"--38 steps-- back to my "JOHN" and sat down.  After ~six minutes and a DELUGE of diarrhea, (I EAT practically ALL/ONLY liquids, so should I be WORRIED?  HELLZ NO!  "It's SCIENCE!"--'Anchorman') I "cleaned up" and "WALKED" 41 steps back into bed.
After 1074 seconds--17 minutes & 54 seconds, (… Yes, I checked my watch.) I--AGAIN--"WALKED" from my BED to my TOILET--THIS time 36 steps--to "open the pipes".  AGAIN, it was a "drip-LESS" "urinary-transfer".  (YAY!  YESSS!)  I "WALKED" BACK to bed (40 steps) to "collect my THOUGHTS".

FINALLY, I was DONE with my secretions/excretions for the MORNING.

(… 42 to 38 to 36 "OPENING"/"BEGINNING"-steps
46 to 41 to 40 "RETURN"-steps displays my gradual-IMPROVEMENT in my "stepping-EFFICIENCY".)

Do NOT question MY Statistical Analysis.


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