Monday, July 21, 2014

… THAT's how you/we (I) follow a SUB-par workout!

My LEG-exercising PERFORMANCE last Friday was REALLY BAD/POOR!
So, my "acts" TODAY were GREAT!

I displayed FANTASTIC control, strength and endurance as I SUCCESSFULLY completed NUMEROUS tricky leg-exercises.

-- I RAISED … and LOWERED … my LEFT, INJURED,  weak-ER leg between two VERY CLOSE vertical-sticks.

-- I remained HIGHLY-coordinated as I raised "EITHER ONE"/BOTH of my legs--INDIVIDUALLY/SEPARATELY!
(… I ALSO accomplished this "feat" while seated upon a RAISED, ROUNDED seat-cushion!)

-- I demonstrated EXEMPLARY muscle-/nerve-coordination as I practiced my hip-/shoulder-SHIFTS and WEIGHT-distribution as I practiced my "SIT-to-STANDS".


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