Tuesday, July 22, 2014

NOT to "HARP ON" the PAST, (I tend to that.)

(GOOD or BAD -- 'FAR-keht-MEHS'.)
(… That's the PHONETIC Turkish way of saying, 'It doesn't matter.')

However, I've been MUCH HAPPIER (YAY!) since my REPLACEMENT of one COMPLETELY SELFISH and IGNORANT "caregiver" with a QUITE UNDERSTANDING and LOGICAL new-guy!

PLUS, this new guy "practices" in the medical-field.  So, he UNDERSTANDS what would be HEALTHY for me.  (The OTHER/LAST guy was/IS just VERY … "NOT smart"!)
(… I mean, how DIFFICULT to understand/maneuver are "drawstring-pants"?
APPARENTLY, the last guy had to "BREAK" THREE of MY shorts, before I just "GAVE UP" on wearing THOSE TYPES of shorts during HIS shifts.)
(… Did I also mention that he BROKE a VERY NICE, glass lamp in my room … for which he NEVER reimbursed me?!  He JUST said "it was WET".  BULLSHIT!  He'd NEVER "take RESPONSIBILITY" for HIS OWN "UMPTEEN" MISTAKES!  Yes, I understand that "NOBODY's perfect", and "'SHIT' happens".  But, I ALWAYS WARNED him BEFOREHAND, 'cuz my confidence/belief in HIS mental-COMPETENCE was RAPIDLY DIMINISHING!)
(LUCKILY, I "put the KYBOSH on" HIS working FOR/WITH me, BEFORE I acquired my VAN, 'cuz "THAT was an ACCIDENT waiting to happen".)

(… WHOA!  Enough "VENTING".)

Anyway, I'm MUCH MORE RELAXED/"AT EASE" with this NEW and FUN "caregiver"!


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