Monday, July 21, 2014


I am actually "HAPPY FOR"/"PROUD OF" my young-ER brother for SUCCESSFULLY ("Knock on wood.") ATTEMPTING what I--UNFORTUNATELY--could NOT even CONSIDER!

So, I'm gonna BRAG about "Bert".
(… He HATES wen I refer to him as "Bert"!)
((… Ya see, his name is "Bertan" (It's Turkish.  So, PHONETICALLY, it'd be 'Behr-TAHN'.)  But, since I ENJOY being an ASS, I refer to him--to HIS FACE--as simply "Bert".))

ANYWAY, back to "Bert"'s (SOON-) "accomplishments":
Not ONLY is he beginning his "pursuit" of his DOCTORATE-degree, but he'll be doing SAID "work" in

the WONDERFUL country of 'TURKIYE' (Republic of Turkey)!

(… GOOD/GREAT for him!)


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