Sunday, August 17, 2014

"Doth my ears DECEIVE me?"

… --'Ace Ventura: Pet Detective'

While my--LESS THAN responsible--evening-/weekend-NURSE was "feeding me" (via "G-tube"), I HEARD her SPILL three DROPLETS of my "food" on the floor.
When I "finished my 'meal'", I asked said nurse to clean up the drippings.
Upon wiping the area, she remarked:
"It was only three small drops.  No big deal."

My analysis:

1) It IS a "big deal"!  CLEAN UP after yourself!
If I hadN'T told her to CLEAN IT UP, she UNDOUBTEDLY would've "bitched"/COMPLAINED about the slippery spot during my NEXT "meal".
"It's the PRINCIPLE!"

2) "HATS OFF" to/for my INCREDIBLY ASTUTE hearing!
(… I've gained more interest in the CHILDREN's book, 'Horton Hears a Hoo'.)


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