Saturday, August 23, 2014


(Fine.  "BRING IT!"
I don't NEED/WANT such DIS-respect!)

So, I recently discovered that ANOTHER employee is/was VERY UPSET over/about my recent "TERMINATION" of a different employee.
Upon hearing of HIS discontent, one of my more LOYAL, "TOP-NOTCH", LOGICAL employees informed me of his discontent.  BEGRUDGINGLY, I HAD TO "bite/hold my tongue" the other evening.  LUCKILY/THANKFULLY, a friend visited to help "DISTRACT" me from my FURIOUSNESS at HIS BLATANT DISREGARD of/for AUTHORITY!

It's VERY IRRITATING to OWN and OPERATE a "business", when employees do NOT "ABIDE BY" or "RESPECT" the (FINAL-)decisions of the "HEAD-HONCHO" (ME)!

I'm NOT trying to seem "STILTED"!
But, I've learned that I mustN'T underestimate the "POWER" of WIDESPREAD STUPIDITY!


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