Tuesday, August 19, 2014

I "begin" anew--YET AGAIN.

So, I JUST had my "G-tube" ("Gastric-tube" that connects TO and protrudes FROM my stomach) REPLACED.
My appointment was at 7:00 am.
(My nurse told me I "should be HOME by noon".  YET, I was OUT of the hospital and IN my van by 8:54 am!)

The FEARED replacement-procedure was VIRTUALLY/PRACTICALLY painLESS.
IGNORING the DOCTOR's orders/instructions to NOT look, I STARED at "the HOLE in my stomach" as he--the doctor (one of the VERY FEW medical NON-assholes)--SWIFTLY/QUICKLY pulled/YANKED out SAID tube.  Then, I WATCHED him--again, VERY SPEEDILY--shove in a NEW G-tube.


P.S. My blood-pressure AT the hospital--just BEFORE my "replacement-procedure" was

(… Pretty DAMN CLOSE to the IDEAL mark of 120/80!)

Just AFTER the "ordeal", it DROPPED to

(… Did the--SUPPOSEDLY "painful" procedure RELAX/SOOTHE me?!)
(… Did "The Force" "kick in"?  Was I able to "CONTROL" the NUMBERS?!  … THAT's just what I DO!)
(… OR, am I just WEIRD/STRANGE/"VERY ABOVE-average"?!)

(… "Sur-VEY says:" Choice C.)

P.P.S. Is that EXTREME HYPO-tension?
(… Should I be WORRIED?!)


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