Monday, August 18, 2014


So, yesterday I was feeling rather ENERGETIC and DETERMINED.
So, I decided to CONSTANTLY/REPEATEDLY try my "WALKING" … AND my "STANDING" to URINATE … into my toilet.

On/At EIGHT different occasions/times, I "WALKED" (w/ my walker)--EITHER the ~40 steps from my living/family room OR the ~30 steps from my bed--to STAND … while leaning on the handrails … in front of my 'toilette' to urinate into it.

… RELAX!  Out of the EIGHT urinary-ATTEMPTS, I had FOUR "SUCCESSES"!
(Thus, FOUR were "FALSE alarms".  But, "'tis better SAFE than SORRY", right?!
BESIDES, nothin' wrong with MORE/EXTRA "WALKING" and "STANDING", right?!)

P.S. My FINAL "WALK" of the night was--FROM BED--to "release my bowels".
So, I went to sleep feeling QUITE HAPPY, PROUD, RELIEVED, and ACCOMPLISHED!

(  : )  )

P.P.S. I "brought up" this topic, 'cuz I--AGAIN--began my morning (6:08 am) with a SUCCESSFUL "urinary-TREK" from BED to my toilet … to "STAND".

P.P.P.S. I ALMOST forgot!  On my "penultimate" ("second-to-last") "trek"--after THREE "failures", I was LEANING OVER/ABOVE my "JOHN", when a PLETHORA of SALIVA began to ACCUMULATE in my mouth.  So, I manipulated/maneuvered my tongue and SPIT my EXCESS phlegm into the toilet.  Now, GUYS, this wasN'T a HUGE, MONSTROUS loogie about which to BRAG!  (It was a COLLECTION of EIGHT SMALL "wads" of excess-spit.)  But, STILL, I have NOT been ABLE to "EXPECTORATE" in ~SIX YEARS.
So, YAY!


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