Friday, August 22, 2014

II've GOT what "it TAKES"/"is NECESSARY"!

“[Being a fighter] comes with instinct and heart and your attitude. Even when you’re losing and you’re tired and you’re hurt, it’s how you handle it. You can’t teach that, and I don’t think everybody has it. Some people have it and some people don’t.”  
(-UFC FEMALE bantamweight Elizabeth Phillips)

(( Since Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) veterans--like MYSELF  to the Nth degree  HAFTA have "HEART", why can't I be a FIGHTER  AND a LOVER?!)

( DIFFERENT kinds of "HEART"?)

( Am I being too LITERAL?!)

( "Ah, fuck it, 'Dude'.  Let's go BOWLING."
--Walter Sobchak, 'The Big Lebowski')


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