Sunday, August 31, 2014

… So, I've noted that I can--OCCASIONALLY--be a bit GRUMPY.

My "Biomedical Engineering"-analysis of MY "MOODINESS" would be that I "SUFFER" from OCCASIONAL

"People's Malignant Stupidity".

The FIRST employee I HAD TO FIRE caused me MAJOR headaches, UN-necessary grief, CONSTANT worry, TRUANT, appointment-arrivals and BROKEN furniture.
Thanks for NOTHING!

(… 'Tis "MALIGNANT"--NOT "BENIGN", 'cuz this disorder "HURT"/HARMED me.)

P.S. This "affliction" UNFORTUNATELY troubled me WAY MORE OFTEN than JUST "ONCE a MONTH"!
Try THREE days per WEEK!
(… So, I'd NOT be FUN to be around … AT LEAST 12 DAYS per MONTH!)
(… WHEW, glad THAT'S done!)


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