Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Gotta ADAPT-to Life's INFINITE-"hurdles"

I HAD a GOOD blog-post DETAILING my TERRIBLE-day yesterday ... & the "BEE-YOTCH" who caused it.  
... But, after consulting-WITH my ... CONSCIENCE ... & my mom, I decided-AGAINST recording it.
... PLUS, said-person is likely-to READ my-WORK & to FURTHER-"warp" MY-words into some-sort of "BULL-SHIT" about HER.
(... Yeah, the "ACCUSED" is THAT "FU__ed-up".)
... So, 'tis ANOTHER-day.

... UNFORTUNATELY, I spent MUCH of my DAY--NOT EVENING &/or NIGHT--RE-dwelling on THAT-horror.

-- In lieu of 'NeuroFit-360''s owner's ASKING-if I WANTED-to come for workouts more-FREQUENTLY, I'm thinkin' of WAITING-to see just-HOW my week "plays-OUT" ... THEN-deciding.
(... But, I'm "LEANING-toward" ... NO, I'm FINE ... AS-is.)


-- TRYING-to RELAX, I MOSTLY ... watched "television"*, monitored SPORTS, exercised & slept-EARLY.

* = As FURTHER-practice, I ALWAYS-say "television" ... RATHER-than "TV".  


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