Monday, December 17, 2018

(MONDAY) "WOW! That was my FIRST time."

... That's what SHE said!

I had a FANTABULOUS workout at 'NeuroFit 360' today!  First, I biked around the ENTIRE store-plaza.  I'd GUESStimate that it's ~1/2 a mile around.  I went around TWICE.  Then, I walked eight up & back laps on the parallel bars.
(So, that's 16 laps.)

What's great & SURPRISING is that, afterwards, I wasN'T even tired.  ... At ALL!

(... That's very encouraging.)

Monday, December 10, 2018

YAY! "Write that down." (MONDAY)

I JUST watched--for the first time EVER in its entirety--the CLASSIC 1989-film--'Field of Dreams'.  
... And, I didn't FULL-on CRY.  But, I definitely felt my eyes water.  I even wiped away a TEAR.


Saturday, December 1, 2018

I tell myself all the time. Now I'm telling y'ALL. (Saturday)

I am DAAAMN-courageous!

(... COURAGE is NOT "not being afraid."

It IS "being afraid & doing it anyway.")

I.e. My seemingly endless REHABILITATION-battle


Monday, November 19, 2018

(MONDAY) . Compare & Contrast.

Since 'Rain Man' was on television this morning, my nurse--while feeding me--& I compared the title-character's & my brain disorders & respective talents in spite of them.

--> His being an autistic-savant prevents his comprehending empathy.
... I can understand what others PROBABLY feel.  I just canNOT display my feelings.

--> INfrequently, I'll have the ability to CHOOSE whether or not to sympathize.  He simply canNOT.

--> We both demonstrate an astounding mastery of numeric-manipulation.  Raymond Babbit is just faaaaar quicker than I.
(Good work takes time.)

--> Both of us possess this mathematical-dominance as a nervous-TICK.  It's more than instinctual.  It's like a subconscious reflex.


Monday, November 12, 2018


Here is a brief excerpt from the Psychological aspect of my intricate memoirs:

"WARNING!  I have no qualms about admitting my [SUPPOSED] self-contradictions:
My mind is the base of my PROBLEMS.  Yet, it represents the peak of my SOLUTIONS."

-- I pose this question to y'ALL--
Who is truly ... "CRAZY"--me ... or EVERYONE else?!

Friday, November 9, 2018

(FRIDAY) . NEW exercise!

I just went to my special-GYM, where I tried this brand-NEW exercise.  'Twas INTENSE, PRODUCTIVE & TIRING.
Bottom line--Hellz YEAH!

I WALKED from inside to outside then ALL the way down one side of the plaza, turned around & walked FASTER back to the gymnasium.  All the while I--alone--was pushing an ~30 pound cart with TWO 25-pound weighted plates on it.  I ONLY had two spotters to help steer.

'Twas probably the toughest, most exhausting exercise I've done there ... EVER!
(... Soooo, in ... ~five years)

... Also, this morning my Speech Therapist happily confirmed my inkling that my speaking is remarkably becoming more lucid & louder.

I now feel VERY accomplished & encouraged!

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

(WEDNESDAY) "That's what SHE said!"

During this morning's session, my Speech Therapist was in awe, as she commended my clarity for understanding all three of the messages I semi-yelled to her.  

... She was in the kitchen, as she prepared my cinnamon-infused chocolate pudding.

... I could sense only trace amounts of the cinnamon in my throat.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

(SUNDAY) . Put it in perspective.

"The more syllables, the worse it is."

I have a Trau-ma-tic Brain Dis-or-der.
That's seven syllables.


P.S. The film brings up AWFUL memories of how my last girlfriend CHEATED on me, after she learned I'd likely die.
... She SUCKS at life!


Thursday, October 4, 2018


"Is it true that
if you doN'T USE it,
you LOSE it?"
(--'40 Year Old Virgin')


Wednesday, October 3, 2018


By writing (typing) my nine+ books (thus far), I don't get the opportunity to dwell on my own innumerable problems.  Sooo, by helping y'all, I am helping myself.

... "Editing" takes FOREVER ... & a day!

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

(TUESDAY) . I desperately need some T n' A A!

Reee-LAX, moms!
I am referring, of course, to


Sunday, September 23, 2018

(SUNDAY) I AM MOOORE than meets the eye.

"The BROKEN are the more evolved."

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

(WEDNESDAY) . Random thought:

If Richard Recorde didn't INVENT the equal sign (=) 'til 1557 (That's true.), 
how was MATH done before then?!   

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

(TUESDAY) HINDsight's 20/20.

As an example of my trying to clear-up any & all MISunderstandings I create, I emailed my gym owner the following message:

"I have many DEADENED pain-receptor neurological cells.  So, often I don't feel IMMEDIATE pain.  Thus, I didn't realize just how serious the injuries to my left hip & lower back are that I suffered, when I stumbled getting off the incline on Monday.  I didn't notice the searing pain, 'til I was doing pushups yesterday.  They seem to only hurt, when I really stress them, hence the pushup-trigger.  
I was trying to signal that my walker was too far away from me to grab to stabilize myself.  But, as I struggle to cogently speak, my grunts & hand gestures FAILED me.  My trainer didn't do anything "WRONG", per say.  He just OVERestimated me.  

Yes, I have a Traumatic Brain Injury.  But, I still very much know what I CAN & caN'T do."

Saturday, September 8, 2018

(SATURDAY) Yank your headS outta your assES!

Three weeks ago one of my [FAULTY] bike foot-straps broke-off.  It didn't just come loose.  It completely ripped-OFF.  I almost slipped.  I could've fallen down, injured myself & ridiculously SUED 'em for buttloadS o' money.  

But, I didN'T.  WHY NOT?!

'Cuz my coordination is better than that, & I righted my positioning.  So, I called the company (WorkmanCycles) to complain.  Representatives apologized & promised they'd send a replacement & a technician to install it.

So, not-until yesterday (20 days later) does a company repairman [finally] get out to fix my bike.  Thus, he attaches the replacement.  Today I went out for my weekly ~2.25 mile bike-ride 'round my 'hood.  However, after not-even an eighth of my ride, the LEFT strap--the very one that was just replaced--completely broke-off AGAIN.  This time I lost my balance & stumbled but did NOT fall.  
(... Thanks to my ENGINEERING-mind!)

It turns out that the dumbass-company sent me two RIGHT-footed pedal-straps.  A T.B.I.-sufferer is a more intelligent engineer than that whole frickin' company!

P.S. WorkmanCycles bike company is WORTHLESS!

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

(TUESDAY 2) Write THAT down as well.

Never get on the BAD side of SMALL-minded people with a lil' authority.

(TUESDAY) You do NOT make history by following the rules.

Write that down.

Monday, August 20, 2018


This afternoon at my FANTASTIC gym (NeuroFit 360) I WALKED--sans walker, sans cane, JUST my [new] trainer's standing behind me & LIGHTLY supporting my back--~25 feet in one direction, did a 90-degree LEFT turn, WALKED ~40 feet in a new direction, PAUSED & STOOD there, as another trainer & patient SLOOOWLY maneuvered by, WALKED another ~20 feet, did a 90-degree LEFT turn, WALKED ~15 feet, did a 90-degree LEFT turn, WALKED the remaining ~60 feet & sat down on a cushioned bench.

At the end of my session, I repeated the procedure for my ~80 foot WALK outside to my wheelchair.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

(WEDNESDAY) Spoiler alert: I'm a hopeless romantic.

So, I write ... like, NON-stop.
Currently, I've written EIGHT books, with at-LEAST six more on the way.  Regardless of the genre of my stories, I always include a ROMANTIC twist.  Neglecting the current romantic-FUNK I'm in, I write what I want.

Also, I went out to see the movie--'The Meg'--today with my brother.  
(HIGHLY recommend it)

P.S. I'm changing the adjective "hopeLESS" to DETERMINED.  I'm a determined romantic.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

(SUNDAY) I've got BALLZ.

The fact that I can admit, teach-about & even JOKE-about my painfully-debilitating Traumatic Brain Injury is courageous & commendable.

Monday, July 30, 2018

(MONDAY) Makin' up for it

I forgot that I ate my dinner EARLY, before I worked out at my LEG-gym.  So, as my trainer had already gone ~12 minutes over my allotted hour-long exercise time, I chose to just skip my ending-crunches & to depart.  I didn't want to keep my nurse waiting.  

Upon leaving my gym, however, my Caregiver informed me that my nurse fed me BEFORE my workout.

... Thus, I just did one, two, ... four sets of 50 FULL sit-ups in my bed.  
... And, I feel GREAT!

Saturday, July 28, 2018

(SATURDAY) . I couldn't agree MORE.

"You'd be SUUURPRISED how interesting people become, when they THINK you're REEEEEALLY stupid."
--'Disturbing Behavior'

... As a DIRECT-result of others' IGNORANT treatment of me as LESS-than them, I am [ALMOST-disturbingly observant.  

Thursday, July 19, 2018

(THURSDAY) I write what I cannot do. ... Until now.


So, I've become a writer.  I really enjoy it.
In my writing, I'll frequently type 

"AUDIBLE sigh"

to signal SEMI-tired frustration.  Up until just recently, I haveN'T been able to physically DO that myself.  

But, after much practice & focus, NOW I CAN.

(JULY 7) 'Me gustan unos numeros.' (8:00 am CST)

(I was born in Minnesota.)


a third of a CENTURY

years old.

[... I am 33.3(repeating).]

(I apologize for the DELAY in my posting this.)

Monday, June 25, 2018

(MONDAY) I'm considering taking Lamaze classes.

Nobody's having a baby.

I've just been feeling labored & out of breath.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

(SUNDAY) . I've got a BRAVE ... heart.

"Every man dies.  ... But, NOT-every man truly-LIVES."
(--William Wallace, 'Braveheart')

Monday, June 11, 2018

(MONDAY) "NEW-shit has come to light."

-- Jeffrey Lebowski, 'The Big Lebowski'

   So, on the dreaded afternoon of July 6, 2008, I had my HORRENDOUS car accident that left me comatose & with a Traumatic Brain Injury.  

   Well, I JUST-learned that my injurIES were so serious that my T.B.I. was initially classified as a 

3 on the Glasgow Coma Scale.  

(... That's s a neurological scale that supplies laypeople a reliable and objective way of recording the conscious state of a person for initial as well as subsequent assessment.)
There are 3 categories of 1 to 15 points, with Eye, Verbal & Motor components.  So, comatose-A.J. earned the LOWEST-POSSIBLE scientific score a LIVING person could. 

... So, how am I still alive?!

--> That's a DAMN-good question.  I'm glad you asked.  
... It's called TENACITY.

Saturday, June 9, 2018


HOW is it that both my ulnar nerves have been severely damaged, ... one from a botched right forearm surgery in 2001 ... & the other one on my left forearm from my dreaded car accident in 2008.  SAID-nerve is the largest UNprotected nerve (--> meaning UNguarded by muscle or bone) in the human body.  So, injury to it is ALMOST-inevitable.  But, NOT to my extent.

Anyway, this nerve can cause an electric shock-like sensation by striking the medial epicondyle of the humerus from underneath & toward the interior, with the elbow flexed. The ulnar nerve is trapped between the bone and the overlying skin at this point. This is commonly referred to as bumping one's "funny bone".

Ergo, I'm very curious: With both my "funny bone"S now incapacitated, why have multiple [SMART*] people told me that my jokes are now funnIER than they were PRE-injury?!

* = My T.B.I. forces me to require order for my understanding.

Monday, May 21, 2018

(MONDAY, May 21) I am what I AM.

In my busy BOOK-writingS, I've discovered that I am a 

WITTY romantic.

That's a common MOTIF in my books.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

(SATURDAY) Everyone has his-OWN niche.

I think using the term--SMART--in a comparative or superlative sense is very INsufficient.

... "SMART" is so BROOOAD & ALL-encompassing.  I prefer "LOGICAL".

I.e. Timmy's "more logical" than Teddy.  No question.


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

(TUESDAY) CREATIVITY will ... make-due.

Since my power was OUT ... ALL frickin' day, I ... 
exercised more, 
reviewed my film-collection, 
planned my imminent internet-schedule &
scheduled my party-events.

(... My mother taught me--in childhood--to NEVER-be BORED.)

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

(WEDNESDAY) Ambivalence?

So, I LONG-thought that my limited LEFT arm-movement was a NEUROLOGICAL-issue, ... that the neural-pathways were SEVERED in my accident
... But, as my UPPER body-trainer so aptly pointed-out, it's more a PHYSICAL-dilemma, 'cuz the metal is--LITERALLY--blocking the path.

... I had a DENTAL-checkup today.  ... And, the streak CONTINUES: I've now gone ... 12,077 days withOUT a cavity.
... However, my Dental Hygienist recommended I brush the INSIDE of my MID UPPER-row of teeth a smidgeon hardER.

Ya see, ... "I'm NOT-crazy.  I'm just a lil' UN-well."
(-- ''I'm Not Crazy'', Matchbox 20)

Thursday, April 26, 2018

(THURSDAY) I have NO-"sense".

(Excerpt from my Memoirs:)

"SENSE is something one may or may-NOT possess, when one has a CHOICE.  One could either make a GOOD or BAD decision, according-to inherent JUDGING.  Conversely, Sense only exists, when Choice is present.  Since many of my daily-decisions DISallow options, I often LACK options.  As a direct-result, I LACK Sense & therefore shaN’T be Judged."

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

(WEDNESDAY) ALAS, I'm oldER! (January 25, 2019--my 12,345th DAY ALIVE)

-- "So, I made a 'BUCKET-list'.

THEN, I changed the 'B' to an 'F', and now I'm SET."
(--Jerry Seinfeld on 'Late Show with David Letterman')

… NOW/TODAY, I am  ... 12,070 days alive.  And, I've been making GREAT progress lately: 

... This past Monday, my uncle called--on the phone--from Minnesota.  So, I had a lengthy conversation with him--on the phone.
... He remarked how "GREAT it is to hear [my] voice."
... I've COMPLETELY-eliminated my pigeon-toe

-- "What is 'AGE' but a 'state of MIND'?!"


-- "'Knowing YOURSELF' is the BEGINNING of ALL WISDOM."


-- "You're only as old as you FEEL."

OFTEN I feel super-OLD, 'cuz I canNOT walk, I'm in a wheelchair & I have ... helpers.   

Lucy: Time is the only true unit of measure. 

It gives proof to the existence of matter. Without time, we don't exist.

(--Lucy, 'Lucy')

Professor Norman: "For primitive beings 

like us, life seems to have only one single 
purpose: gaining time. And it is going through time that seems to be also the only real purpose of each of the cells in our bodies. To achieve that aim, the mass of the cells that make up earthworms and human beings has only two solutions. Be immortal, or to reproduce. If its habitat is not sufficiently favorable or nurturing, the cell will choose immortality. In other words, self-sufficiency and self-management. On the other hand, if the habitat is favorable, they will choose to reproduce. That way, when they die, they hand down essential information and knowledge to the next cell. Which hands it down to the next cell and so on. Thus knowledge and learning are handed down through time."

(--Professor Norman, 'Lucy')        

-- "The GREATEST-'trick' the Devil ever 'played' ... was 'CONVINCING the world he didN'T exist."

(--Verbal Kint, 'The Usual Suspects')

(... As of mid-2008 to late-2011, I did-NOT exist, ... according-to the [IGNORANT] American government.)

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

(WEDNESDAY) NEW neurological-synapse!


So, I was sittin' o'er my toilet [EARLY] this morning, just waitin' for my anus to explode (TRUE-story!), when I got to thinkin' MUSICALLY (How ODD!):

(DAMNIT!  I forgot the musical-TUNE.)

''Gettin' BETTER''

"Dealin' with a T.B.I. can be quite exclusive.
I know too well.
I try so hard, everyday
To gain some respect.
No notable results yet.
After a decade, I'm writin' books as a way to vent.
WALK & TALK are my ultimate-goals.
Somehow, I did-not forget my Biophysics,
Which I apply in my workouts.

Get.  Gettin' better.
It's gradual progress.  It's not-obvious to outsiders.
Get.  Gettin' better.
It's gradual progress.  It's not-obvious to outsiders.

NOT too late to improve.
Just gotta find my legs' groove.
Ev'rything's gotta have ORDER!  ... Math's IN music.

I'm gettin' better, doubters.
Gettin better.  YEAH!
I'm gettin' better, doubters.
Gettin better.  YEAH!

"Dealin' with a T.B.I. can be quite exclusive.
I know too well.
There are plenty o' times I get ridiculously lonely.
Just suck it up & push-through.
Lately, I'm SEEIN' improvements & FEELIN' more!
I won't give-up.
Now I've gotta-be quite a-BIT more obvious,
Because you-ALL can't see my thoughts.

Get.  Gettin' better.
It's gradual progress.  It's not-obvious to outsiders.
Get.  Gettin' better.
It's gradual progress.  It's not-obvious to outsiders.

NOT too late to improve.
Just gotta find my legs' groove.
Ev'rything's gotta have ORDER!  ... Math's IN music.

I'm gettin' better, doubters.
Gettin better.  YEAH!
I'm gettin' better, doubters.
Gettin better.  YEAH!

I'm gettin' better, doubters.
Gettin better.  YEAH!
I'm gettin' better, doubters.
Gettin better.  YEAH!

I'm gettin' better, doubters.
Gettin better.  YEAH!
I'm gettin' better, doubters.
Gettin better.  YEAH!"

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

(TUESDAY) Guys in wheelchairs are ... SUPER-smart.

"Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort."
(-- President F.D.R.)

Sunday, April 1, 2018

(SUNDAY) My thoughts tend-to ... DRIFT.


I had a Writer's BLOCK the other day.  So, I thought about NUMBERS--as I often do, 'cuz that helps me RELAX.  
Here's what I concluded: ... 

The best number is 73. WHY?

 73 is the 21st prime number. Its mirror, 37, is the 12th and its mirror, 21, is the product of multiplying 7 and 3.  The difference of 7 & 3, when raised to the power of 3, summed to the square of 3 equals ... 73.

(... I--OBVIOUSLY--need visitors.)


Wednesday, March 28, 2018

(WEDNESDAY) Time spent WISHING ... is time-WASTED.

For too-LONG ... early-on in my rehab, I mainly just kinda-WISHED my health would improve.  I'll admit that I--ONLY--tried SEMI-HARD to improve my WALKING & speech.  I relied more on TIME.  ... With THAT I accomplished too LITTLE. 

NOW, I give 110%-effort in EVERYTHING!

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

(TUESDAY) . Consistency

Today marked my FIFTH CONSECUTIVE day of at-LEAST ~17 CONSECUTIVE minutes of biking.

Friday -- GYM
Saturday -- MY HOUSE
Sunday -- MY HOUSE
Monday -- GYM
Tuesday -- MY HOUSE

Thursday, March 15, 2018

"BEWARE the Ides of March."

-- soothsayer, 'Julius Caesar', William Shakespeare

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

(TUESDAY) . That sounds EEEERILY-familiar.

I was talking with my UPPER body trainer about how WELCOME & APPRECIATED my POSITIVE & OPTIMISTIC outlook is.  

Regarding my [DIFFICULT] journey, I said,
"Hey, if it were EASY, then EVERYONE would do it."

When he responded by laughing & saying, "I've heard that," I proudly-declared,
"I take the road LESS-traveled."

Saturday, March 3, 2018

(SATURDAY) What came FIRST--the accident ... or the misery?


What came first, my accident or the anguish?

 IGNORANT onlookers MIGHT observe me 

in my wheelchair & PITY the invalids, or 

witness my using my letterboard & dread 

being a [SEMI-] mute.  Yet, almost-

NOBODY takes the time to TALK-to me & 

hear/read my thoughts.  No-one reflects on 

the DIFFERENCE-between PRE-

accident (July 6, 2008) versus POST-

injurIES.  I have a LOOONG history of 

[PHYSICAL-] wounds.  Did I ever feel-

SORRY for myself?

... OR, was I ONLY feeling such distress BECAUSE-of the new loneliness?

(... Cue the Jeopardy-music.)


Friday, March 2, 2018

(FRIDAY) Does ANYONE ... give two SHITS ... about MY opinion?!

My SPEECH-Therapist THOUGHT I aspirate, when I--ROUTINELY--cough, while I eat--via MOUTH.

I TRIED-to explain that I'm JUST clearing my throat ... to allow me to BETTER-swallow.

P.S. Does my Biomedical Engineering degree from [ACCLAIMED] University of Pennsylvania ... mean NOTHING?!

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

(TUESDAY) WOWZA! I am a "NERD ... to the Nth power".

I awoke at ~2:37 am EST to WALK to my bathroom to ... evacuate my bladder.  Since I've gotta relax to do that, I started thinking of MATH:

I WILL present to MY child[ren?] the expression for one's years of MATH-experience, should his or her kindergarten ask-for a [hypotheticalresumé.
'Twould be --> 

FORMAL Schooling-grades COMPLETED + 5,
in which the constant 5 represents his/her age--in years--at the beginning of kindergarten.

Monday, February 19, 2018


GREAT workout at NeuroFit 360!

-- Ten minutes NON-stop on the STEPPING-treadmill
-- Commendable trunk-strengthening
-- Stable-WALKING while straddling a central-bar ... with MINIMAL-assistance

... PLUS, I just RE-watched Jimmy Fallon's & Paul Rudd's parody of Go West's 'King of Wishful Thinking' video.


Friday, January 26, 2018

(FRIDAY) Comcast ... SUCKS ASS!

I was withOUT [JUST the] Internet for ~22.75 hours yesterday & today.  
... 'Cuz (See topic.).

FINALLY, could the dipshit company REMOVE its HEAD from its ASS?!

... NO!  
My-OWN housemate--a Techie--SOLVED my dilemma in a matter of minutes.

... MAN --> 1,

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

(TUESDAY) . "BABY-Steps"

... --'Groundhog Day'

... 1) The TERRIFIC staff at my gym (NeuroFit 360) is FINALLY understanding that, when it comes-to Biophysics, I REALLY-know the CORRECT-wayS to move.
... SmallER strides at a slowER pace allow me to STRAIGHTEN my posture, to ELIMINATE my LEFT-footed pigeon-toe & to MAINTAIN a steady, straightforward-gaze.

2) After several sessions of receiving FANTASTIC-advice, I dismissed my latest NeuralPsychoTherapist.  
... I'm CONFIDENT I'll make it alone.

(... MORE time to WRITE my bookS)

Saturday, January 13, 2018


... & a bag of potato-chips.

Monday, January 8, 2018




... Ergo, I HAVE the appropriate way of thinking.  I've just gotta-find the right OUTLETS.

(... We've GOTTA-HOPE!)

Sunday, January 7, 2018

(SUNDAY) "Time's Up"

Traumatic Brain Injury-victims!!!

Monday, January 1, 2018

(MONDAY) 'MUTLU YILLAR!' = '¡FELIZ AÑO NUEVO!' = '明けましておめでとうございます!' = 'HAPPY NEW YEAR!'

... (Turkish --> Spanish --> Japanese --> English)


ANYONE wanna come SEE?!

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